Rest Easy Minister! Today Robert Hardy; the actor who played Minister Fudge, passed away at the young age of 91. /* #potterverse #ministerofmagic #theministryofmagic #potterverse
mariaku21 Oh no😢 7y
Rest Easy Minister! Today Robert Hardy; the actor who played Minister Fudge, passed away at the young age of 91. /* #potterverse #ministerofmagic #theministryofmagic #potterverse
How much fun would Rowling have had coming up with these... it's like she couldn't bear to leave any out.... this chapter is our introduction to the Ministry. Lots of detail, lots of foreshadowing, and lots of uneasy anticipation for Harry.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterseven #theministryofmagic #bureaucracy