On to book 5 of my Harry Potter reread!
#harrypotter #ootp #orderofthepheonix #reread #hpootp #harrypotterandtheorderofthepheonix
On to book 5 of my Harry Potter reread!
#harrypotter #ootp #orderofthepheonix #reread #hpootp #harrypotterandtheorderofthepheonix
This last chapter of #ootp moves Harry through a number of situations, meeting a range of people. The time he spends in the infirmary with the gang is a moving moment. They ponder a number of issues, but Harry seems unable to open up about his #loss. It's nice to see closure with Hagrid, McGonagall, and even Snape and Malfoy. But the scene at the train station gives Harry the thing he needs most. A sense of true family.
The End.
I am putting these two chapters together because of sadness, running behind, and well, more sadness. Harry's emotions are scrambled, Dumbledore saves them all, Fudge finally concedes, and yes, Sirius is no more. It's a lot to absorb. For many of us, rereading, we still feel acute loss. We never really got to know him well.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #twochapters #selfpreservation #emotions
This filler chapter sets up the resolution to the mystery of Book five. We are proud of our intrepid saviours, and yet, yet, does it all seem too easy? You betcha!
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterthirtyfour #thedepartmentofmysteries #mystery
I am over Umbridge. She doesn't require any more attention. But I do love this moment. The DA step up. They want to be there for Harry. They have done the training. They know the risks. They are prepared. It's fantastic.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterthirtythree #fightandflight #desperation
In desperation, I picked this sweet picture of Umbridge, but only because I know what's coming for her. #welldeserved she's not sweet. She's clever, power hungry and thinks she's doing the right thing. Once again we are saved by Hermione's quick but desperate thinking.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterthirtyone #outofthefire #desperation
I love all the testing details here. They could easily have been left out, or the whole drama about to happen could have stopped them like they been in previous years, but I am glad Rowling put them in and in so much detail. Good to see that Harry didn't blitz them all. That wouldn't have been realistic at all.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterthirtyone #owls #testing
Finally, the teachers exact a little payback on Umbridge, finally Ron quietens his inner doubts, and finally, finally we discover the source of Hagrid's bruising. Loyalty to Dumbledore, loyalty to Gryffindor, and loyalty to family - three really important considerations, especially for Harry.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chapterthirty #grawp #loyalty
Not very mature, Professor Snape, no matter how embarrassed you are. Yes Harry shouldn't have peaked a look, or sneaked into your secrets. But who's the adult here? Also, aren't you a tiny bit glad Harry saw his father as he truly was? An obnoxious and arrogant spoiled brat. I appreciate your snark, and accept your prejudice, but this unprofessionalism is hard to ignore.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chaptertwentynine #careersadvice #maturity
I don't think this is Snape's worst memory because of James and Sirius. I think it's because of Lily's betrayal, provoked by his own attack of her. It's a damnable situation and I wish Harry learnt more from it. George and Fred's disillusionment with the system finally happens. It's positive that Rowling condones academic success and choosing another path.
#hpchapteraday #bookfive #ootp #chaptertwentyeight #snapesworstmemory #disillusionment