Got crafty the other day with some paperclips and tassels that I made into bookmarks. I have a huge collection of random bookmarks and I usually just use those or whatever scrap paper is handy, but it's nice to have something a little more fun 😊
Got crafty the other day with some paperclips and tassels that I made into bookmarks. I have a huge collection of random bookmarks and I usually just use those or whatever scrap paper is handy, but it's nice to have something a little more fun 😊
I finished this over then weekend. It's a fine read. I would love to revisit this world before the attack to see the Operatives on duty and in action. We need more stories about badass women kicking ass, and saving the world from evil.
#theregionalofficeisunderattack #manuelgonzales #oracles #getlit #kvnreads17
There seems to be a serious hate on for intern Jacob. I keep alternating between two thoughts regarding this hated intern. One: as many times as he's been mentioned, I half expect to see him actually show up as part of the story. Or Two: Manuel Gonzales might have known a guy named Jacob in real life he can't stand (i.e. literary revenge). #TROiUA! #ManuelGonzales #theregionalofficeisunderattack! #pointofview #pov #ERMadLibs #readingchallenge
I knew the point-of-view was going to change during the course of the book. As much as I dig Rose's voice, I've been curious to see if the voice of the story would change once the PoV shifted. Manuel doesn't disappoint, giving Sarah a different voice, even though it still holds to his style that has a certain free-flowing introspection. #TROiUA! #ManuelGonzales #theregionalofficeisunderattack! #pointofview #pov #ERMadLibs #readingchallenge
Never done a reading challenge before, but I'm starting the Eclectic Readers Podcast's 2017 Mad Lib Reading Challenge tonight. The first of the twelve books I'm going to read before the end of June is The Regional Office is Under Attack! by Manuel Gonzales. Looks like a pretty crazy story (can't wait!), and I just love the cover. #ERMadLibs #readingchallenge #theregionalofficeisunderattack #ManuelGonzales