Super excited that I found this brand-new 2021 read at a Flea Market today for just $5! I've been wanting to read it and it immediately jumped out to me on a table filled with mass markets and other older paperbacks.
Super excited that I found this brand-new 2021 read at a Flea Market today for just $5! I've been wanting to read it and it immediately jumped out to me on a table filled with mass markets and other older paperbacks.
It took me some time to get into this one because there was not enough dragon and it was not a typical Stephen King. But it is written like a fairy tale and I appreciated the subtleties of its special brand of wisdom and humor. I liked the ending the best and would like a follow-up adventure with some of the redeemed characters. #Eyesofthedragon #LosersClub #StephenKing @DGRachel
I have a feeling this is either going to be amazing or I‘ll end up DNFing because of the writing style. Let‘s find out! #nowreading
Starting in on Macbeth for #ShakespeareReadalong! We found a great coffee shop where Bryan can work and I can read. My dad is with the kiddos for the morning. 😊
No spoilers because my pal @Jess_Read_This is about to start this - just to say I lost time and happily ignored the world reading this wonderful follow-up to Bear & the Nightingale. Immerse yourself in medieval Russia, dark fairy tale references, and dig deeper into Vasya‘s eventful lifestory. She‘s a tough cookie in a male-centric world and her spirit shines. Looking forward to book 3 this August!
And I am very happy with my gorgeous UK cover😁
Got crafty the other day with some paperclips and tassels that I made into bookmarks. I have a huge collection of random bookmarks and I usually just use those or whatever scrap paper is handy, but it's nice to have something a little more fun 😊