#currentlyreading #firstbookoftheyear Reading Time review #fantasy #retelling #fairytale #tricksy #storywithinstory #looong #gardenrainforest
#currentlyreading #firstbookoftheyear Reading Time review #fantasy #retelling #fairytale #tricksy #storywithinstory #looong #gardenrainforest
If I have a mild gripe, it would be how China will sometimes end a chapter in mid-sentence and then finish the sentence at the start of the next chapter. It felt clever and creative the first time, but I think he's overused it. Perhaps it wouldn't be as big a deal if I was reading a hardback or paperback, but in the ebook, it's frustrating since I can't see the pages side-by-side. #Tricksy #UnLunDun #ChinaMieville #fantasy #London #UnLondon