Nearly there...!
This one's pretty in-depth about different kinds of vaccines. In terms of complexity it's aimed at laypeople, but it gets pretty exhaustive and I kind of wonder if people just reading from casual interest would stick with it. Or maybe I just got a bit weary because I know this stuff?
Took me a while for such a short book, but worth it to clarify my thoughts, I think.
I wanted a short book from my backlog, so after much dithering, here we go! So far the science is pretty basic, in the sense that it's deliberately accessible to laypeople... but it's explained in a way that makes things feel a bit clearer to me (as a person studying for my MSc in infectious diseases). So perhaps not too many surprises likely here for me, but still interesting/useful, so far.
“If vaccination can be conscripted into acts of war, it can still be instrumental in works of love.”
What a fantastic story, sharing the panic pre-vaccine and the thrill of learning the vaccine worked, after so much work.
This was Compelling As Heck. Very well written, in a super accessible style (as one would expect from a successful investigative journalist) this is the Long Version of the story of Andrew Wakefield, the once-doctor who fabricated and captilised on fears that Vaccines caused autism-- launching the current era of anti-vax misinformation. Published before current pandemic, this was eerie & informative. #antivaxxers #medicine #malpractice #politics