This song. 😭
This song. 😭
This was a pretty good dystopian tale. I was surprised how political it got, I was expecting a little more horror. Not that the idea of an extreme pandemic of ticks isn‘t scary enough, it definitely gives me the heeby-jeebies!
Still, if you like dystopian political stories and can stomach creepy crawlies, this was a good read!
It's Monday, which means its time for another #makeithappenmonday where we offer book recs for reading challenges. Today Haley is recommending a handful of of books for the #popsugarreadingchallenge2020
Check out her picks and let us know yours in the comments.
#bookrecommendations #readingchallenges #bookishalgor
One of my favourite Gordie songs came to mind for #wall. I consider Lightfoot‘s lyrics poetic so I thought what the hell? Why not? Here‘s a youtube link if you want to give it a listen: https://youtu.be/YdYQCOKi1c8 #PoetryMatters
#poetrymatters @TheSpineView
Read the whole poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44266/mending-wall
This may be the wrong collection - I found the poem online here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/58009/the-wall-56d23c03e59...
#wall #poetrymatters @TheSpineView
Behind a Wall, by Amy Lowell, 1874-1925