I am finally picking up this lovely book. I‘m About 25% in and absolutely hooked.
I am finally picking up this lovely book. I‘m About 25% in and absolutely hooked.
Finally picking up Book two. Apparently adult fantasy is what I needed to help with my Book hangover.
Because I know most of you will appreciate this and not think I'm crazy.... They are here and they are beautiful!!!!
Sometimes it's nice to have a kindle as well as books :)
And now I wait..... until Monday... 😭. Preorders only on amazon from now on.
Today's library find. $0.50 for a beautiful hardcover copy of Clockwork Angel. The dust jacket is a little worn in the corner but otherwise it's like new.
I don't even know how to feel right now.
I have been quite busy lately but I am hopeful that I can start ACOMAF by Monday.
Time to get this done! May 2 is coming right up.