OMG 😱 Can't wait to read the next one ! 📖 🙏🏻
OMG 😱 Trop impatiente de lire la suite ! 📖🙏🏻
#newromance #lovestory #love
OMG 😱 Can't wait to read the next one ! 📖 🙏🏻
OMG 😱 Trop impatiente de lire la suite ! 📖🙏🏻
#newromance #lovestory #love
It's been a long time I didn't post anything on my profile... But I continued to read wonderful books of Audrey Carlan ! 😍 👍🏻
It's difficult to stay focus on your studies when you know there are all those next novels waiting you ! 😍😊👌
OMG !😱 I just discovered this book ! I'm in ❤️ with thos saga ! Can't wait to read the next novel ! 😍💘
Tales of magic... It's the season to read magical books !😍👌
And you ? What is your favorite tale ? 🦄🌠⭐
This book kept me in suspense until the end ! What an incredible 🔚 ! 😍😱👍💜
Ce livre m'a tenue en haleine jusqu'au bout ! Quelle fin incroyable ! 😍😱👍💜
Work hard with my Private International Law manual #lawstudent
Long to start, the end was not great. We can see that is the first novel of this author. Fortunately, "Vampire's diary" is better !
Long à démarrer, et la fin n'etait pas extraordinaire... On voit que c'est le premier roan de cette autheure. Heureuse que "Vampire's Diary" était mieux !
A long story to start but which begins to show all its interest in the lasts chapters.
To be continued in the next episode.
An excellent story, by Apprilynne Pike ! The universe is so unexpected ! It changes so much of what I usually read !
The frame is gripping, it reads really quickly ! 📚😍🙏🏻
I just finished it. Wonderful but very surprised by this end which for was not an end... . The end is too abrupt and unexpected for me. I would have liked it ton differently. 😶🤔
Another wonderful discovery with this incredible author ! I loved the universe of the story. It's so different of what I use to read ! I can't wait to read the second book ! ????❤️
Encore une magnifique découverte avec cette incroyable auteure ! J'ai adoré l'univers de cette histoire, c'est si différent de ce que j'ai l'habitude de lire ! Je suis trop impatiente de lire le deuxième tome ! ????❤️
"The little girl I was finally get tired to remain prostrate at the same place without a word. > I asked her.
Slowly, she short on my braid and tell me to keep quiet, then she told me, by designating the memorial : >.
This book is so addictive ! ???
Ce livre est si addictif !
@thereadingwomen I told you I was reading the same book in French ! 😊 Great minds think alike !
Another beautiful discovery today ! I totally enjoyed my reading ! Can't wait to read the second #book ! ??❤️
Une autre belle découverte aujourd'hui ! J'ai totalement adoré ma lecture ! Je suis trop impatiente de lire le second tome ! ??❤️
A great book ! A story full of adventures, and the end is so unsustainable ! Can't wait to know the rest ! ?????
Un livre génial ! Une histoire pleine de péripéties, une fin insoutenable ! Je ne peux pas attendre pour connaître la suite de l'histoire ! Vivement la sortie du prochain tome ! ?????
"La seule véritable erreur est celle qu'on ne corrige pas".
The only true mistake is that one we don't correct ???
Je ne pensais pas que ça démarrerai sur les chapeaux de roues ! ?
I didn't think that it will start on the hats !
A great end for a great trilogy ! 👍🏻 I discovered a new face of the characters and it was very interesting. #FiftyShades is a super saga ! 😍🤗👍🏻
- Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas, Ana ? Dis-moi.
Je renifle.
- C'est juste que... que, parfois, je t'aime tellement que ça me bouleverse.
Découverte de cet auteur, et dès les premières pages je trouve sa plume surprenante ! ???