It would have been a really good story, but the constant jumps in time made it such a slow read that I just gave up.
It would have been a really good story, but the constant jumps in time made it such a slow read that I just gave up.
A Levels are hard enough, but when you have to do Shakespeare in literature, they get ten times harder.
I went into Othello with an open mind, wanting to like Shakespeare. But as always, nope. Honestly, it is one of the most boring plays I've read, and just makes studying literature the worst.
If my lit tutors wanted to scare us off the course, they've done it. Shakespeare has managed to make me hate studying English Literature.
I'm trying so hard to like this book. But I'm beginning to despair that I spent money on this instead of an actual readable book. PLEASE, something change my mind 😭😭 The writing echoes someone who has obviously never been a teenager with the style of voice they choose. I'm just constantly cringing.
Oh. My. God. I loved this! I decided to get it before seeing the film because I didn't want the film to disappoint me, and I'm glad I did! It's the best book I've read so far this year, despite not really being a HP fan.
'Tell me - has anyone ever believed you when you told them not to worry' - Jacob
Okay so I was really excited to get this book, I've been looking forward to it for over a year. And now I'm just... disappointed? I'm over halfway through and there's still nothing major in the plot, and I honestly can't even finish reading it. It makes me so bad because it could be such a good novel, but it's just boring and a waste of time to read.
I couldn't have wished for any more from a sequel to Me Before You. It's stunningly written, and follows the path of Lou getting her life back after Will. It's a bit sickly sweet, but I can cope with it. Overall worth a read.
'It's not just your mum and Dad who f*** you up, Mr Larkin'
As a lit nerd, I appreciate this reference 😂
For English literature this year, we're studying The Help. I've never fallen in love with a book I've studied since Holes back in year 8. This is honestly one of my all time favourite books, and shows the harsh truths of the American south as it was, and shows how much has (and hasn't 😳) changed. I will always have respect for Stockett for writing this. Always.
'Sometimes I'll read a sentence and it will make me sit up, jolt me, because it is something that I have recently felt but never said out loud. I want to reach in to the page and tell the characters that I understand them, that they're not alone, that I'm not alone, that it's okay to feel like this. And then the lunch bell rings, the book closes and I'm plunged back into reality.'
I'm dead. Literally. It was SO GOOD! I need more! It's like Harry Potter, but funny, and actually has the best gay relationship 😂 I freaking love this book!
I absolutely loved this book! It's one of my new favourites. It will never stop being relevant, and it's such a lovely read.
This book has honestly drained me of emotions. I bought it yesterday and I've just finished it. It was just amazing and so emotional. I'm so glad I read it before going to see the film. I feel like I'm a bit more prepared now.
There is a reason this book is a classic. It's just sad that it's not better known.
I would never have picked it up if it wasn't for A Level literature, but of all the books we've read, this is my favourite.
I've lost count of the amount of times I've read this. It's one of my favourite books.
"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."