Great at the sentence level, psychiatry has a messed up backstory, but it wasn't all the gothic horror I wanted.
Great at the sentence level, psychiatry has a messed up backstory, but it wasn't all the gothic horror I wanted.
Good, sweet romp. Might also be a love letter to California junk food on the side. Can't disparage the fantasy of thrilling love, professional fulfillment and junk food for every meal- America!
I loved how perfectly noir this novel was, while also delivering new weird contamination and near future sci-fi. This is an excellent blend of genres without any sacrifice in the character or word craft. All the noir genre feelings without the cardboard tropes. Like if "They live", "Borne" and "The Maltese Falcon" swirled up a love child.
Gothic novel greatness! In turns you have the creepiness of abandoned places, prison-like boarding schools, the suffocation of small towns, but somehow there's also this warmth of people surviving together and finding understanding. Also, there are surprise twists! I am tempted to start it over just to see the pieces fall into place again. Checks the boxes for: ghosts, backburner romance, and women's history. Perfect stormy day reading!
Great tributes to a lovely weird city, filled with fitting monsters from local authors. Don't move here!
This is the science-fiction that I needed. Science fiction adventures with round characters and enough craziness to keep me wondering. Deals with issues of privilege, racism, sexuality, friendship, identity and colonialism. I can't wait to read on and keep sorting out feelings about AI. Also, can I please have a continuous supply of cozy sf, thanks! This has some real firefly crew vibes.
This is a really interesting an provocative conceptual book. I'm afraid I might actually prefer the tv show, but this laid out philosophical inquiries in the book are interesting. Given the debate about Conferate HBO show, the absence of black people and particularly American racial crimes is noticeable, even as the book envisions a world where white Americans do not benefit from systematic racism.
This was as good as I expected from Tessa Dare.
Unique to this Tessa Dare read - masked vigilantes, marriage before romance, and nearly kinky sex!
One new thing that I haven't quite reconciled was a couple whiffs of the weirdness of American politics a la 2017. It was fun being winked at by the author, but it brought me back to our present political moment---which can be pretty distressing.
Overall, it was a delightful read!
I couldn't explain the politics, but I'm breathing them!
So, so, excited to take another journey through the Old Kingdom with the most outrageously badass librarians! I will likely wolf it down rather than sleep, not even going to pretend at self control with this series.
A booster shot of enthusiasm for knitting from an obsessive knitter, this book manages to remain approachable for novices while dispensing advice for all levels. I almost believe socks are possible!