What can I say....... wow how is it possible for just 1 person survive something that took over 300 lives.!!! His books are always a hook and catch from beginning to end. Shame there won't be any more
What can I say....... wow how is it possible for just 1 person survive something that took over 300 lives.!!! His books are always a hook and catch from beginning to end. Shame there won't be any more
In memory of my great uncle who sadly passed away today, you were an amazing author, only read the Lizzie series but they are wonderful books
Again this book is very slow to get into, been fighting my own demons so will get back and finish this series of books soon
Very slow just gets boring same old same old until the end and then the detail it's like your actually stood there watching it happen.... you'll have to read it to know what happens
The story of lily and how she came to Woodbury, although I'm pretty sure in the series she was once with rick and his group this book was slow to start for that reason, but gets really amazing towards the middle to end
Read this one quite quickly. How the governor aka Philip aka Brian, had me hooked
Part way through, hooked. Got the books for my birthday. Although I think certain things are happening in different orders. Definitely worth a read especially if you love the walking dead
Browsing the books in my local library yesterday, this one caught my eye. I never judge a book by its cover but this one, I glanced the back and added it to my pile. Today I read it in 9 hours with breaks to cook tea and pick my lb from nursery. It's one of those books that you really want to know what happens next.... long chapters but worth it, amazing storyline with a sad but relieved ending.
So far so good, purchased last year. Love a good murder mystery especially those set within the uk.
If you haven't read this book, then your missing out the first chapter had me hooked with an omg wow. Read 251/310 in one night finishing it this morning. Peter James is an amazing other will be seeking out a few of his other titles.
Supposed ghost story, was quick to read only time I had shivers was at the end. Book only has 200 pages I think it says it all.
Reading the blurb I wasn't so sure, the first chapter wasn't great.... but wow how wrong was I. Such an amazing story I literally read it in one day.
The history of our country never gets old, love these true story books, although I've been quite slow in reading this so far, don't know what to make of it really.
If you love game of thrones, then you have to read this book, got it as a birthday present, love how it explains about everything from dragons to white walkers but not only that but is there similar things in our world to them. Really made me laugh in places, will be a book to read over and over
Borrowed from the library, a must read there's a twist in this book that will have you thinking it's one person but being totally wrong as I was.
Definitely a must read lent of my friend so no picture but was hooked from the start, really had me guessing until the end. Ending was really strange hoping there's a sequel.
Just finished this book, it was great to read what life as an NHS was really like. Was sad in places when they lost a patient but overall it was funny great read.
I'd actually seen it advertised in a magazine a couple of months before I saw it on the shelves first couple of chapters had me hooked then it went slow towards the middle but then picked up again, overall good book
Having read most of the horror books in my local library I was glad when I came across this one, couldn't put it down. It's one of those books that just grabs you from the start took just over a day to read