I became more engrossed as I kept readingz
It was a very interesting take on Victorian era England.
I'm loving this so far. You can feel their love, and it's so touching.
I've been in the mood for a feel good, fairy tale-ish romance lately without too much conflict, and this worked.
I'm only about 1/4 through the book, but I'm enjoying it so much! I've always been fascinated by Matilda, and Tracy Borman really breaks down the accounts of her to give you a bit more clarity.
I loved this book...but the six novellas that followed are TERRIBLE, so don't bother. Just let this be the end for now, and enjoy that Elizabeth is still Lizzie, and Jessica will never change.
This was a free bookbub book today, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was interesting how Monas new image had very little to do with her physical attributes. I like it.
A classic. Very different from the movie. Everyone should read at least once.
Was turned toward this book from The History Chicks podcast (which is awesome). I loved this book. I find it fascinating how so many American heiresses ended up being titled British aristocracy...plus learning about the marriages behind closed doors. I wish I could have a Worth dress!
Always fun to find new reading material based on your mood...and get some insight on yourself.
I love their sense of humor, and the recommendations had me reading and watching and falling in love with books and movies I wouldn't have otherwise read or watched.
I wasn't too thrilled with how the book hopped around so much, but the last chapter or so sucked me in. My eyes were glued to the page much like how all humans stare at a car wreck while driving by. I WAS Anna in the last bit. I felt her spinning out of control. Her mind was mine.
I finished this book a couple days ago, and it's still on my mind. I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed seeing Lou come into her own after you realize she's strong, yet vulnerable. Will helped her realize she had so much to offer herself rather than settle and play it safe.
This version of Persuasion is one of my favorites. It makes me cry, and I can't even explain why. Emotions without explanation are the best.
Short entries, great humor, interesting anecdotes.
It's refreshing to hear about the women who didn't care about society's standards and did what they wanted...with who they wanted to do it with.
I love hearing stories of mistresses through the ages. Not to mention learning how certain mistresses shaped politics over the centuries.
This is definitely a book I will continue to reread regardless of age.
I have loved this series for so many years (extremely excited there is finally a show for it too), and I always find something new when I read it. Claire is unbelievably strong, and Jamie is just one sexy character.
This is my favorite Jane Austen novel. Anne is every woman who has ever been rejected or let opportunity pass her by. She is admirable in her quiet, unassuming way.
Another favorite. No matter how many times I read it, I always cringe at Mr. Collins proposal.