In a world of lights and shadows, every person, every one of us, needs to find their own way.
In a world of lights and shadows, every person, every one of us, needs to find their own way.
Where to begin with The Paris Secret... this story was based off an article posted in the daily mail about a Parisian apartment found to have been sealed and forgotten for 70 years. Karen Swan imagines the dramatic story behind such a mystery, an ultra rich family with the means to forget about a Parisian property, the ill gotten treasure within its walls and the havoc such a secret would wreak on those in the know. Add a little sizzle and Voila!
"She was a mermaid, sir, and my father was a ferryman, so...."
What a fascinating read this one has been. Expecting a fantasy novel when I picked it up and read the back I find myself surprised by the hard, harsh and cruel reality in which this story is grounded.
#JoBaker #TheMermaidsChild #BritLit #Mermaid
"I'll break my staff, bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound I'll drown my book." I've just started The Magicians, a series brought to my attention by its television program. #librarybooks #edmontonpubliclibrary #themagicians #magic #narnia #levgrossman
I felt it was time for a throwback. What was in your checkout pile? At 8 years old my checkout stack was 10-15 books deep every Sunday. #voraciousreader #christopherpike #rlstine #sleepwiththelightson #monstersundermybed It's been a thrill going back to my old reads as an adult. #publiclibrary #coquitlampubliclibrary #circa1996
Looking forward to my lunchtime read. Cannot put this one down, start to finish, I am hers. #LouiseWelsh #ALovelyWayToBurn #Suspense #Heroines
This was not written with Michael Ledwidge, which was abundantly apparent in the writing. Patterson/Ledwidge create this unstoppable Chrichton-esque team that was sadly missing from this sequel. Read in one sitting, enjoyable enough, left something to be desired. #QuickRead #Mindless
New library in place for the most recent haul. Sale books, 7 for $23., tough to beat that. #SummerReading #WritersDen #LarsKepler #ZenZone