The power of the Great Lakes
It's frustrating when authors get things right, but not quite right. CellCept and Prograf are anti-rejection meds, not heart meds. Stopping them would cause many more problems than just congestive heart failure. That said, most readers won't catch that. Being the caregiver of a transplant recipient changes your perspective I guess.
I loved Killing Lincoln, and started reading this one immediately after reading it. That may have been a mistake. Killing Kennedy just didn't hold my attention in the same way, and that was a disappointment.
I'd rather be at the beach or poolside but my neglected backyard will do
I loved Odd Thomas, the first book in the series, so I had high hopes for this one. Unfortunately, this one was only "meh" for me.
Maybe I'm judging this book unfairly because I lived The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, but I just didn't enjoy the book as much as I thought I would. I also found the last quarter of the book very anticlimactic.
When I read a Dan Brown novel, I always need access to Google. That way I can do an image search for the art and architecture he references throughout the book.
Once I started reading this, I couldn't put it down. The book gives a perspective of WW2 that most of us aren't aware of. The characters stayed with me long after finishing the book.