Really enjoying this book!
“Generalisations are unfair, but so is life. Suck it up.”
I am Narwhal. 😂 I love these books.
At long last. This sweet baby angel is mine.
Just started. It's pretty cool. It's pretty different from what I normally read in comics/graphic novels.
Started reading this after going to SEEK2017. I probably will be sleeping with the lights on for awhile because I'm a mega-weenie.
I stayed up late to finish it! It was that good.
I'm plowing through this book and I don't want it to end.
I am still enjoy this manga. Each volume seems to intensify in plot and this volume was no exception.
Friend: *describes plot*
Me: "So, it's creepy?"
Friend: "Yes, very."
Me: *holds out hands*
#allthecreepy #probablygonnahavenightmares
Oh. My. God. I finished this book on audio today. By the end I was shouting (in my car, okay?) "Get it!" I haven't devoured a book this quickly in awhile, especially with my schedule. Between work and school I lack time for most things.