Another Romance by Ranee A. Clark!
Who else thinks that AP course textbooks are ridiculously wordy and hard to read? All you people who are in or have been in college out there, does it get easier to understand??
I read this for a personal choice book report. I am hopelessly in love with romance novels and this is no exception! It is a pretty quick read considering I read it in 2 hours.
At Physical Therapy recovering from Achilles Tendon surgery and reading this book. It is awesome advice!
First day of high school! Can't wait to see what books we will be reading!
Super excited to start reading!
Oh my goodness! It was so good. It was quite sad and powerful. It really touched my heart.
It took me all school year to read. It was really painful. I think it had some good parts but I did not enjoy.
I love this series! And I have read all the books!
Hilarious! I loved reading this! He is an amazing author!
These 10 truths will positively influence what I will do as I start high school next week.
It was pretty good. Covey used good stories and ideas to help you keep going.
It was amazing! It had an awesome writing style, and flow. It kept you hooked and connected to the story. 10/10 would recommend.
"From the time I was really little- maybe just a few months old- words were like sweet, liquid gifts and I drank them like lemonade. I could almost taste them."