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Reached | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
In search of a better life, Cassia joins a widespread rebellion against Society, where she is tasked with finding a cure to the threat of survival and must choose between Xander and Ky.
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Reached | Ally Condie

Also finished the matched trilogy just been too sick to write review I loved it but ending made me cry and was cliffhangerie to me

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Reached | Ally Condie
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5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

Reached | Ally Condie
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I have found that this is the easiest way to carry the poems; wrap them around my wrists, place them against my heart. Of course, I don‘t keep all of the pages with me. I‘ve found a place to hide most of them. But there are a few pieces I don‘t ever like to be without.

Reached | Ally Condie

I finally finished it and wow! I love how it's a dystopian series, and yet still realistic. The main characters weren't on the front lines entirely, they weren't the leaders. So many other dystopian books have teenagers running around completely in charge, but Cassia, Xander, and Ky aren't doing that. They're helping, they take the initiative occasionally, but act how teenagers would act. I love this series. 10/10 would recommend.

Reached | Ally Condie
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f you like books about going against all odds to be with the people you love most, Reached by Ally Condie is the perfect book for you. This is an action packed finale book of a dystopian romance trilogy that will truly blow you away. A plague has spread throughout society which is seen as the beginning of the end, or the start of the Rising against society.

noellemullin8 Cassia, Xander and Ky are all part of the Rising, they all hold very different but key roles. Cassia is stuck in Central with her “society job” of sorting, but she will come in handy when the time comes to delay the matching ceremonies. Xander is located in Camas as a physic who has been working on switching out the society pills for those of the Rising and will one day administer the vaccines to those that have fallen ill. 2y
noellemullin8 Whereas Ky has been training with the rest of the pilots for when the crucial point arrives to deliver the vaccines to all the cities affected by the Plague. A lot has changed in recent months and the society is failing to contain the disease. It is happening slowly but surly and the result will be that the society will crumble to it‘s knees. 2y
noellemullin8 First with the downfall of the Matching ceremonies and finally losing all control to the Rising‘s powerful takeover in the big cities. Camas was the first city to fall under the new found control of the Pilot but it definitely won‘t be the last. With the Plague spreading rapidly, Cassia once again finds herself separate from Ky with no way to get to him, yet. 2y
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noellemullin8 The only way they have been communicating, as of recent, has been through letters transported by the Archivists but even they have become severely delayed due to the Plague. Ky is determined to be reunited with Cassia but he knows that he has to wait for the perfect time to escape the Rising and reconnect with her and her family. 2y
noellemullin8 He has played a major role in changing the entire structure of society just to be with Cassia and all that‘s left is their reunion to finish off their epic love story. One major theme present in this book is limitation, mainly in the structure of society. Even though their is a new type of government present after the Rising‘s takeover Ky and Cassia are still struggling to be reunited. 2y
noellemullin8 As different as the Rising is from the old society there are still many rules put in place that are stopping the two lovers from being together. Certain things will die off with the society such as the matching ceremonies, old society jobs and limitations on their freedoms but there will always be that sense of authority over everyone. 2y
noellemullin8 Ky knows that he will never be in full control over his life when there is someone always in charge of everything he does. He hopes that will this social change, he will finally be able to love and be with Cassia forever but it isn‘t guaranteed. Matched was written in first person point of view because the characters all use pronouns such as “I, We, Us, etc.” throughout the story. 2y
noellemullin8 There is lots of emotion included in the writing because we get to see the inner thoughts and feelings of the three main characters, Xander Carrow, Ky Markham and Cassia Reyes. They all narrate their own personal experiences which makes this book so interesting. Even though the characters aren‘t all together we can still see what they are experiencing simultaneously. 2y
MissYaremcio I'm so glad that you have been enjoying this series Noelle! 6/6 2y
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Reached | Ally Condie

This was the first book that I read twice. And I almost never do that. I read it when I was 14 and I distinctly remember feeling sad when I finished the series. Would recommend reading it

Reached | Ally Condie
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4✨ This is the end to a dystopian series. There is 3 love triangles happening which I didn‘t like. Not that they were romantically involved because happily no more than kissing happens in this series. There is a plague happening, there is “the stillness”, and trying to figure out which side is “right”.

Reached | Ally Condie

I thought it was good. The first book in the series is my favorite. I didn‘t mind the ending either.

Reached | Ally Condie
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This series in a whole turned out to be not for me. It was extremely slow paced for me. There wasn‘t a whole lot of character development either due to them being separated for majority of the book. I was so excited to read them when I first got my hands on them but turns out it just wasn‘t for me. At least this makes more space on shelves. #unhaul

Reached | Ally Condie
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I liked the book but I was very unsatisfied with the end. I feel that the author dragged the story on.

Reached | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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So good!! I am in love!

Reached | Ally Condie
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I‘ve been away from Litsy for a few days while I was in the hospital, but between doses of meds I finished Reached, the third book in the Matched series. Maybe it was just that I was impaired, but I thought this one actually had a few surprises, which was nice! A solid conclusion, and I appreciated the ambiguity of the ending.

Skeebies05 Hope you‘re feeling better! 5y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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These books were not great for recapping, so I have to just try to pick up and figure out what‘s going on. Once I did, it was ok. I listened to the audio and parts kept my interest and other parts didn‘t, so I did miss some things, but was able to follow the gist of what was happening. I think I had a similar reaction to the 2nd book, but I decided to finish the trilogy, so now I have

Reached | Ally Condie

I was a little wrong about how this book would end. I usually don't like when YA romance novels get technical with their science, but this one was done very well. 10/10 would recommend dredging through the first two books to read this one.

Reached | Ally Condie
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1. Thursday. It is my TV night so even if my husband gets called into work I can chill with the cast of Grey's and enjoy a glass of wine.
2. This is tough. Music and books are life. Right now I feel James Taylor, Janis Joplin, Miranda Lambert, Norah Jones
3. Start packing the kids for their weekend trip.
4. Reached by Ally Condie
#PreMondayVibes @pepsicola

Reached | Ally Condie
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Finished this and the Audio at the same time.
I did not enjoy this book as much as the first 2, but I am still glad I read it. The ending was nicely done.

Reached | Ally Condie
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Reached | Ally Condie

I couldn't stop reading, I fell in love with the first book of this serious and I am so glad I kept reading! Their were tear jerking parts and action and love, it had all the qualities of an amazing book!💙

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Reached | Ally Condie

Deffinetly a love story at this point

Reached | Ally Condie
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Reached | Ally Condie

The last book of the series and I honestly have to say the worse. The whole book had a vibe of the author really didn't know what to do with the characters. She also threw in another point of view or her other lover. Right up to the end of the book she had a hard time picking between two boys which was just over-done. And the ending was less then impressing. She just didn't know how to end the series.

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Reached | Ally Condie
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Third book in the series, third “So-So” from me. That‘s really the best description for them. This one did redeem the series somewhat (the 2nd book was the worst of the three) but still overall just a lukewarm story & execution.

Reached | Ally Condie
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It kind of redeemed itself from the bad book that is crossed. The ending left some loose ends but all in all, not a bad series.

Reached | Ally Condie
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THIS WAS AWFUL DO NOT READ! God it just annoyed me! Like I was not hooked and there was so much going on it was confusing. The series just kept getting worse and I wasn‘t enjoying it from the beginning but I just wanted to finish. There are way better dystopians and this could have been a cool idea but the author didn‘t live it up to its potential.

Reached | Ally Condie
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One of the best things about getting books from the library is thinking about the lives of others who have read the same exact copy. It's especially exciting when little notes are left inside for you to find! Great little note of encouragement left on a post it note in my current read.

Have you ever seen something similar or left a note for someone to find?

Reached | Ally Condie
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Sometimes the sounds of a sleeping baby are the best thing to read by... my girlfriends niece is such a cutie! #readingtime #booknerd #bookwormintraining

MiyakoBunny Omgosh sooooooo adorable 😍😍😍 6y
CaitlinR Baby and book, fabulous. 6y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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I love having The Office on in the background while I read because I have watched it so so many times. Do you have shows on while you read? #readinghabits

Ellen_Kate I do the same with parks and recreation! 6y
MissAimz_55 @Ellen_Kate parks and recreation is another one i def could do that with 6y
MiyakoBunny Gilmore Girls ☺️ 6y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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Decided to DNF this too.

Reached | Ally Condie

Eh. I‘m glad I finished the series but I was pretty underwhelmed. I feel like nothing really happened besides world building.

Reached | Ally Condie
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This is the 3rd book I‘ve read while on holiday so far 😂 Wasn‘t too impressed with this to be honest, I was excited for it as it‘s the last in the trilogy but I thought the ending was a bit crap considering how much she stretched the story out!

#reached #allycondie #matchedtrilogy

MinDea I agree. I feel like she just jumped on the trilogy band wagon but didn't have enough for 3 books or gave ip on the story to get it done. 7y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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Reached. by Ally Condie | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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Reached. by Ally Condie | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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Reached | Ally Condie

Even though I think the author could of taken some of the concepts in this series further, it was intriguing and kept my attention. It was an easy read, and I would definitely recommend it to someone who loves the science-fiction/dystopian novels, even though this series was not as complex as some of the others in its genre.

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Reached | Ally Condie
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The final book in this trilogy wrapped up a lot of questions I had throughout the series. There weren't any big twists, so I was a tad disappointed. However, overall, the series was fun to read and kept my interest. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Reached | Ally Condie
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You know you're not into the book if you don't take it home from school...😕 Thinking about a #DNF but I don't know since I've already abandoned this book once. And it's the LAST in the series!! What to do...

Reached | Ally Condie
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"Some people think the stars must look closer from up here. They don't. When you're up here, you realize how distant they really are-how impossible to reach." ~Ky

Reached | Ally Condie
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I've put this one off for a while now, but I think it's time! It's usually not me to stop mid-series, but number 3 is on its way to the Have Reads!

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Reached | Ally Condie
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Chessa Loving the cat resolution! 😹 8y
LeahBergen 😂😂 8y
saresmoore Hahaha! Purrfect. 8y
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Marchpane 😹😹😹 8y
rubyslippersreads When you figure out #5, please share the secret! 😹😹😹 8y
Desha Love the cat training idea lol 😂 7y
tpixie Lol great goals! Esp the Cat 🐱! Although sadly now that I'm in my 50s I'm really trying not to pile up on possessions so I'm doing more library books, audiobooks & readers! 7y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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"If you let hope inside, it takes you over. It feeds on your insides and uses your bones to climb and grow. Eventually it becomes the thing that is your bones, that holds you together. Holds you up until you don't know how to live without it anymore. To pull it out of you would kill you entirely."

Reached | Ally Condie
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Not my fave series in this genre but glad I read it.

Reached | Ally Condie
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This part was better than the previous two//⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Reached | Ally Condie

Nice ending to an interesting trilogy. Not exactly the type of book I have come to expect from dystopian books and left a lot of questions, but overall a fun read.

Reached | Ally Condie
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Enjoyable as an audiobook. This was a great finish to the trilogy. It really wrapped things up and explained a lot that was hinted at in the first two books. This book used three different readers to make the voices unique. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Heatherine I loved that whole series. 😃 8y
bookwrm526 I've only read the first one, I suppose I should finish it at some point lol 8y
jolovestoread I was very pleased with the way she tied up all loose ends in this book. I also loved the fact that we had three voices, I loved the different points of view. It actually saved the trilogy for me, I was very reluctant throughout the first two books. 😊 8y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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I love this idea of writing. It's always a collaboration.

Reached | Ally Condie
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The Pilot. The Poet. The Physic. Three points of view. I enjoyed the last book of the trilogy more than the first two. I wasn't quite sure how I was feeling about the first two, but this last one felt like the glue that was missing. All the chips fell in place, it definitely saved the trilogy. :)

Zypdoda I stopped in the middle of Crossed. This has made me want to finish now. :) 8y
jolovestoread @Zypdoda I was ready to give up halfway through Crossed also. But, I hate bailing on books so I decided to finish the trilogy. I have a bad habit of comparing dystopian trilogies to The Hunger Games, I have it on a pedestal. In the end I was pleased with how the rest of this story unraveled. 8y
Zypdoda Same here with THG. That's why I bailed. 8y
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Reached | Ally Condie
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Oh no... Ky, come back!