Having a much needed reading spurt toward the end of the year. 100 pages in and loving this already. A mix of noir, mystery and old Hollywood and comes highly recommended by the likes of Megan Abbott and Sarah Weinman.
Having a much needed reading spurt toward the end of the year. 100 pages in and loving this already. A mix of noir, mystery and old Hollywood and comes highly recommended by the likes of Megan Abbott and Sarah Weinman.
I can't believe it's taken me this long to get round to reading this magnificent book. Sometimes it's easier to have a bigger to book to wade through than it is to keep picking a new one to read.
Thrilled to get a copy of this from Netgalley. I've heard so many great things about this book and I can't wait to get started on it tonight.
Love me some ghost stories and it's getting closer to Hallowe'en, so what better excuse to start a book that's been lurking on my kindle for awhile now.
This was due another read anyway, but an extra 100 pages in the new edition?! Sign me up! Love oral history books and this is one of the best.
I'm a huge Megan Abbott fan so this book was always a slam dunk for me. Fantastic writing as per usual and the research she must have done for this makes the mind boggle. Another journey into the dark heart of a teenage girl.
I love Laura Lippman and especially enjoyed this book. Shades of To Kill A Mockingbird in a story of family secrets and small town politics. Layered characters and blurred lines of right and wrong make this an absorbing read. Recommended.
So this book not only gave me an actual nightmare (thankfully I'm blessed with the ability to wake myself up from unpleasant dreams) but also made me want to run to my sons school, pull him out for the rest of the day and hold him close. Creepy, deeply unsettling but utterly fantastic.
I was really disappointed in Runaway so I'm hoping that this book is a return to form for Peter May. It's back to the islands for this one, familiar stomping ground for a normally great writer.
I never used to like short stories but in the past year or so I've grown more of an appreciation of them. Maybe because it's such a tricky format to master or maybe because I love the way the ending hangs in the air. Either way, I'm very excited to start this.
Pesky real life has been getting in the way of me reading lately but I'm back in the saddle with this monster. Hope it's worth the wait!
Roughly 40% of the way through an ARC of this and thoroughly enjoying it. Fascinating premise and wonderful storytelling. Can't wait to see what turn it takes next.