“Clutching a protest sign in one hand and her game in the other, Audrey marched out the door”
This is a very child friendly book that has a lot of valuable information on civil rights. The illustrations help to show the emotion in the story.
This is a very child friendly book that has a lot of valuable information on civil rights. The illustrations help to show the emotion in the story.
This is a very informative text about Audrey Faye Hendricks who was a very young civil rights activist. This book talks in a language that seems more casual which is easier to read. It discusses segregation and racism. It is a very inspiring story and she‘s that even if you are young you can still take a stance and make a change.
“Rags even learned to salute. He'd raise a paw to his face, then drop it as a smart show of respect.”
This is a very heartfelt story that also shares details about the war that can be informative. It shows How intelligent dogs are and the bond rags and Donovan formed. This would be great for middle to older elementary aged children.
This is a book about a dog named Rags during the time of WWI. The dog took shelter in an empty doorway hiding when an American soldier stumbled upon the dog. He grabbed the dog and took him with back to base. He could hear things before the soldiers could, and they would follow his lead. He became a soldier. One day rags and Donovan got injured. Rags survived but after days of treatment Donavan eventually passed in the night.
This book has very cohesive illustrations that follow a creative theme. They appear soft and like it is very balanced. The text is easy to follow and very informative
This book is about Helen Keller, who was a girl that was both deaf and blind. This story explains that there were so many more amazing qualities that Helen had, other than being known for being dead and blind. It shares many details about her life that helps the reader understand who she was as a person
“While their 800,000 human neighbors done on steaks, salads, and sandwiches, the white sharks hunt for their favorite meal”
It has many illustrations that help the reader understand what is being described. It has diagrams when exposing the sharks body such as it‘s blood, eyes, and teeth
This is a picture book that gives a lot of information about sharks. It tells a story instead of listing off facts. It talks about their prey, their anatomy, how they swim, their teeth, and more. This would be a great book for middle to older elementary aged children.
This is a very informative and inspiring story. It sends the message to follow your passion and to never give up on it, even if you feel discouraged. You can bring your passion with you anywhere in the world.
This is a story about how a young girl named Teresa Carreño played the piano for president Abraham Lincoln. Her father taught her how to play when she was a young child. It describes her talent and passion of playing piano and making music. Teresa and her father had to sail to New York when a war erupted in her hometown. At 10 years old, Lincoln invited her to come play for his whole family because of how talented she was.
This book would be great for younger children who are beginning to work with nonfiction text because it feels more like a story rather than facts and statistic being rattled off to you. It is very engaging and has a lot of information intertwined throughout the story.
This is a story about a bald eagle that was shot by a poacher. As a result she lost her upper beak. It is very informative and written in a way that is very engaging and entertaining. It has a lot of information but is telling a story that draws you in.
“Fashion yourself, a bit of lace, crystalline, spun in space, of silken ice, silvery fine- YOU create your own design”
The illustrations are very simple which makes the poems seem more calm. They coordinate with the poem, and many of them are backgrounds that cover the page.
This book is a collection of poems. Each page has a different poem. I personally enjoyed other poetry books more than this one. While there was a variety of poems in this book, I did not feel that many resonated with me.
The illustrations incorporate many lines and shapes and coordinate with the information and poem on each page. They are also color coordinated with each of the pages
This book has a collection of poems about different colors. It describes the color and then has a poem about that color on each page. It has a lot of information and history about each color and is very informative.
This book discusses the hardships these women faced, and how they were among the first women to work as “human computers” for NASA. This book discusses very important historical context such as the space race
This book includes biographies on the three African American women who worked with NASA. They are Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and Katherine Johnson.
This is a very informative and entertaining story. It is perfect to read seasonally and can be the introduction into many discussions such as traditions, Thanksgiving, or STEM ideas.
This is a true story about the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade. Tony was hired to help Macys out on a parade to help bring together traditions of many of he immigrants who worked there. Each year the parade grew, and after many years he came up with the giant parade balloons. It shows his process of trial and error
The illustrations in this book are very unique, colorful, and creative. This book sends a great message to be yourself and not worry about what other might think of you. This can be enjoyed at any age group.
This is a classic story that I remember from when I was young. Camilla loved Lima beans but never ate them because her friends didn‘t. Camilla becomes covered in rainbow stripes and misses the first day of school. Her stripes turned into many different colors and patterns. They tried every doctor and every cure, but the only thing that got rid of the stripes were Lima beans.
The illustrations are very detailed and help tell the story of what is happening. The langue is not very complex so it is easy to follow and a good read for any age.
This is a version of the classic story Goldilocks and the Three Bear. It tells the story of the three bears small, medium, and large, who each have their own things in their house. Goldilocks comes in and tries each of their things to find one that is just right. The bears discover someone has been using their things and they stumble upon Goldilocks when she ran away
This can be very relatable, not only to friends going to camp, but to friends in any situation who‘s relationship is evolving and changing. This book has great lessons and is a quick read.
This is a graphic novel that is apart of a series. 2 friends Olive and Willow go to summer camp, but Willow is having a harder time making new friends at camp than Olive is. This causes conflict in their friendship. They find solutions on how to still be each others friend, while also getting the most out of summer camp and enjoying other activities.
This story can be relatable to many children, and can be a faster read because it is a graphic novel. Because of this it could be a popular suggestion for the older grades. The text and the illustrations were very enjoyable.
This is a graphic novel about a girl named Jen who‘s facing problems such as her parents being divorced and having to move with her mother, adding new members to her family, and having to start a new school. Everyone at school is interested in crushed and dating but Jen is not, so this adds to even more of the challenge she has to navigate through
This could be very relatable to older elementary aged children when clubs become more prevalent and friend groups are forming. It can be hard to find a balance between all of your activities and friends and this book provides lessons in that aspect.
This is a group of young girls who are all apart of the babysitters club. Claudia makes friends with a new girl and they decide to enter a sculpture contest which became to be too much on her plate. Claudia and Ashley became friends and Ashley really enjoys art. She has a hard time understanding ding that Claudia really values the club and was struggling to find balance between friends and art.
It incorporates many different elements of poetry, exposing kids to a wide variety of things. The rhythm is east to follow and the poems are lighthearted and fun which would make it a great introduction
This book has poems on pizza. It is very entertaining and fun to imagine the things that the author is saying in the poem. This would be great for younger children learning to work with poetry. It w corporates many different elements and it is very creative.
This book is very eye opening and would be great for older elementary aged children. The fictional aspect makes it very engaging while also relaying important details.
Esperanza is a young girl living in Mexico. Her father gets robbed and killed in the fields by bandits. The house that her father left for Esperanza and her mother burns down and they make the choice to come to the United States. Her mother gets sick from the dust storm so she has to start working, but the strikes are becoming dangerous. Eventually they get her grandmother to join them so the family is together in the US
This is a very inspiring story of dolly partons passion for music. Throughout the story, dolly gets told that she is just a kid. This can be relate able to some children and show them that just because they are young doesn‘t mean that their passions are not valuable, and that they won‘t be successful with their dreams
This shows the life of Dolly Parton from when she was a child. She was interested in music when she was only a few years old, this helps understand her passion. Her life was not only music, she worked on a farm growing up and did not grow up very wealthy, but she was not discouraged by what other had to say.