A Eurasian-set comic aperitif between Roadside Picnic and Solaris. I think I've finally found my comic book counterpart in Lieutenant Erdemoglu Selim.
A Eurasian-set comic aperitif between Roadside Picnic and Solaris. I think I've finally found my comic book counterpart in Lieutenant Erdemoglu Selim.
Ultimately I liked the concept better than the execution. The idea of aliens stopping by Earth & leaving behind a bunch of trash without even acknowledging humanity is such a nice response to the usual First Contact trope, but I just wanted something more even if I can't figure out what yet.
It's time to start the summer off with an international Sci-Fi tour: next stop after Russia is China, followed by Poland and anywhere else that comes to mind. I'd love some suggestions.
Now that our library has a shiny new app to go with its shiny new(ish) Downtown branch, it's so much easier to put books on hold and start a to-read list. Now I just have to figure out how to space the holds out a little more evenly.
One of the funniest Marvel books I've ever read and one of my favorite comics, period. Warren Ellis having a blast with C-level superheroes & Stuart Immonen kills it on the art. The five or six fight scene spreads towards the end are worth the price of admission alone. Seriously, just google them.