It was beautifully heartbreaking. Have you read this? #allthebrightplaces
It was beautifully heartbreaking. Have you read this? #allthebrightplaces
For a first screenplay in a nwe series I‘d give this the pick but for a JK rowling book I give this one a so-so. I loved it but it wasn‘t really THAT exciting.
A new miss peregrine book is coming this October gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! I loved this series and I need more!
I can't read this book without cringing too much! YES! It's that horrible. I don't mean to offend anyone who loved and adored this book but for me holy moly merlin's beard it's ugly! That's it
This is probably one of my most favorite reads of all time! It's fun, hilarious, dark, mysterious, and a heart pumping story! YOU NEED TO READ THIS ASAP