Taking a short break from Flavia. Book group meets Wednesday and this is our choice for October. I finally got around to borrowing it from a friend today. Twenty-nine pages in, I think I'm in love.
Taking a short break from Flavia. Book group meets Wednesday and this is our choice for October. I finally got around to borrowing it from a friend today. Twenty-nine pages in, I think I'm in love.
Decent but disturbing; I'm not sure if it will be memorable. Certain recent news stories made aspects of this book even more horrifying.
Glad to be finished.
I spent the first half to he book thinking, "I already know part of this story...how do I know this?" Finally, Backman mentions Britt-Marie's BIL and then it clicked. There's some overlap between this book and My Grandmother Sends Her Regrets and Apologises however this is well worth reading whether you've read Grandmother or not. I want to read more about these characters. Except Kent. I'd like to read Sven's story next, I think.
On to the next!
There's food in this photo. Nothing as appealing as muffins, bacon or other breakfast fare...but they'll do in a pinch. #glutenfree #everythingfree #Iwantacookie There's probably a Larabar in there somewhere too.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'll let my MIL's muffins stand in for the ones Mary Frances Moon's neighbour left on her doorstep.
Liberty Street is well worth your time. I look forward to reading and discussing Warren's Cool Water at my book club meeting this month. #CanLit
Just getting started. I've got a lot to think about already. #CanLit
Satisfying. I stayed up reading until 3:40 a.m. on a workday last week.
I started the book when I arrived at the doctor's office...94 pages later, she was ready for me. I didn't mind the wait...and happily read a few more pages while waiting for an Rx at the pharmacy. All is well...
Worth reading but it was tough going at times. It took a long time to get through and I'm not yet satisfied. I think this is another one that will need to percolate. A "Pick" but not a strong Pick.
Worth reading but it was tough going at times. It took a long time to get through and I'm not yet satisfied. I think this is another one that will need to percolate. A "Pick" but not a strong Pick.
Housekeeping is next. Will this family keep me up until three o'clock in the morning like Smiley's Langdon family? Time will tell.
Good book. I'll miss some of the characters.
I love the ever so slightly 'off' lettering on the cover.
On to the next! Like Mr. Penumbra, purchased at City Lights in SF.
Loved it, especially on the heels of / as a souvenir of our trip to San Francisco. I'm going to find and read the novella about Mr. Penumbra soon.
Loved it, especially on the heels of / as a souvenir of our trip to San Francisco. I'm going to find and read the novella about Mr. Penumbra soon.
The cover glows in the dark!
Home from our trip. Jet lagged and curled up on the couch with my book.
I started reading The Snowman last night...but I visited City Lights today and came away two books richer. Do I read a book set in San Francisco while visiting or stick with Oslo? I'm thinking SF...but...
That's not me in the photo...didn't think of that until later.
Photo quality is crap and likely to get worse as the trip goes along...dropped my phone tonight. Whomp, whomp.
Finished on the plane yesterday. Glad to be finished. I'll probably like it better in retrospect than I did while reading it. #vacation
Making progress. Three sleeps until we leave on vacation...
Making progress. Three sleeps until we leave on vacation...
On to the next...a collection of articles by Ann Patchett.
I fell asleep with one and a half pages to go last night. My husband caught the book just before I dropped it on my face.
H is for Hawk is well worth reading. Helen Macdonald's voice is clear and true but I did not respond as strongly to her as I might have had I not just finished Lab Girl (also non-fiction with a direct connection to nature). I definitely recommend this book and expect I will be thinking about it for a long time to come.
Finally reading H is for Hawk. Helen and her hawk, Mabel kept me company at the beach this weekend and on several adventures since. Now we're enjoying a bit of rest, ice and elevation. Nearly finished the book...
I've been telling everyone about Lab Girl. I love the writing, structure and narrative in this inspiring, unflinching memoir. #recommendsday #hellyes #hopejahrensurecanwrite
What's next?
Swept along by this book. If you're looking for an absorbing, emotional story, pick this. Wolf, Byrd, Nola, Bridget, Vonn...so many interesting characters. I can still "smell" Wolf's aunt's house.
Final verdict: excellent, even after a second reading. It was a richer experience because I'd just finished Life After Life. I've been missing the characters since the book ended but didn't cry this time.
Still loving this book but it's slow going for a re-read. Life (and melatonin) is cutting into my reading time. I made good progress after midnight last night and during a post-run soak tonight. My TBR pile is enormous but A God in Ruins will be a tough act to follow. Again.
High on my list of favourites, even after a second reading.
Wrapping up my re-read of Life After Life. I love this book! Looking forward to re-reading A God in Ruins next.
Recommended by my local independent bookstore (Westminster Books), this I am going to like. I'm already ALL IN after just a few pages. #CanLit
Started slow and I was tempted to abandon ship early on...but then it took hold and I enjoyed it. Shallow in places, deep in others; a bit like Harley's bog. I would read another book about Harley, Billy and [redacted].
Beautiful, surprising book. Every word is a gem.
Not everyone will love this book but I think everyone should read it.
Very excited to find Lisa Moore in the YA section today. Looking forward to introducing someone special to one of my #Atlantic #CanLit heroes!
Wonderful! I loved every sentence of this book, up to and including the last line of the acknowledgements. I read and loved Food and Loathing several years ago. Now I need to go look for The Forest for the Trees and will happily read anything else my new best friend Betsy writes.
There's a gem on every page. "Why am I always seated next to the Travis Bickles of the world?"
Finished reading Cast of Falcons last night. My favourite of the series so far!