Community! What to read next? I cannot decide 💁
An ending of a book is a tricky thing. Too often it's askew or disappointing.
In this case it is so fitting, the whole book monolithic, meek and beautiful.
Looking for something calm and deep? That's it.
I took @Quasifesto 's advise. The book is amazing. Wish I could give a copy of it to every woman in the world.
What to read next? I cannot decide!
I bought another copy of "The Vegetarian". I gave away two already. Han Kang is truly my favourite author at the moment.
After reading the biography of Anne Lister (by Angela Steidele) who was an inspiration for the Brontë sister's books, I remembered to finally read "Wide Sargasso Sea" which a teacher at uni recommended years ago.
Maybe I haven't found the clue and I myself do have a problem with the online media world. Still it seems to me like a book written by an old white man who think of women as vice and pleasure.
I liked how the book was written but it left a bad taste in my mind.
Critics say it's too late for this book. I don't believe it, this book speaks from my heart, flesh, bones, mind in so many ways.
I rarely read crime novels but I was hooked on the idea of a dystopian world in which your birth time, not place, race or gender, define your place in society.
I still find the idea great but also remembered why I do not read crime fiction. If you do like this genre I definitely recommend this book to you.
Weichen knackten, der Zug schepperte über eine niedrige Brücke, hielt. Komm raus! Die Koffer. Der Träger. Ein Wagen. Hotel. Guten Tag. Stockholm.
Was für ein wunderbares Buch! Ich habe durchgehend ein Lächeln auf den Lippen. Ich freue mich sehr über so viel Wortwitz und kluge Beobachtungen.
I read the book in one day but I needed two nights to make up my mind.
Beforehand let me tell you that this book is fantastic. It is written beautifully and very clever in its composition.
The book touches upon important topics in human life as in freedom, oppression, self-determination, (in)sanity and power structures.
It comes across as innocent in the beginning but turns into something powerful which will stay with you.
Once you have spotted the tongue you can't unsee it.
Dieses Buch ist wundervoll ungewöhnlich und schockierend.
Eine Achterbahn zwischen wundern, lachen und ekeln.
imagine Twin Peaks written by haruki murakami with quite a big pinch of obscenity, suffering, wit and pain.
(stand: 92/277)
Die Beziehung von Wolf und Wissenschaft ist auch deswegen so aufschlussreich, weil sie besonders anschaulich zeigt, was passiert, wenn der Mensch - auch der forschende - Natur betrachtet: Er sieht immer auch sich selbst und seine Art, die Welt zu deuten.
if animals have a soul or feelings, can only be asked by someone who has none of these characteristics.
ready to teach my first class on animal ethics after Christmas