I couldn't do the weird love triangle in the book. I liked the world and the powers that they people had, but the strained relationships between EVERY character made it tough to get through.
I couldn't do the weird love triangle in the book. I liked the world and the powers that they people had, but the strained relationships between EVERY character made it tough to get through.
A little bit of science fiction, manga, paranormal, and some drawing reference. Libraries are great places to be inspired. 📕✍♥️
He's hard to see, but I'm having a nice reading night with my new bearded dragon. He's the perfect reading buddy because he's totally quiet, unlike my gerbils that can't sit still.
I'm having a hard time deciding how I feel about this book. I finished it in two days but I'm still struggling with how the characters relate to each other. Some of the writing feels inconsistent with character relationships, but I love the world that it's working on building. I'm stuck between knowing if I love it or hate it, but until then it's onto the second book!
That's how it goes, you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you.
That's how it goes, you think you're on top of the world, and suddenly they spring Armageddon on you.
Finally got to the library after a few crazy weeks of moving and car issues. Not entirely sure which book to start with yet though.
Discovered the Locke and Key comics at my library the other day, and so far they're pretty good! Finished book 1 so far and hopefully I'll have time to read the second one this weekend
These comics are filled with interesting art, and reading all the annotations makes it even better. Neil Gaiman is such a fantastic writer, and being able to see the notes he made while writing this series is incredible.
I read a lot of the comics on my phone, but I'm really excited for the annotated versions ♥️
I got halfway through this book but I just couldn't finish it. I couldn't see the stories coming together and none of the characters really interested me.
Really struggling with trying to keep reading Cloud Atlas, so I'm taking a break to try Sense and Sensibility instead.
She thought her ears would light with fire, her cheeks burn to ash, but the moment passed, as even the worst moments do.
A book about a post apocalyptic circus isn't something I ever thought I would be interested in, but Mechanique has such an interesting concept of humanity it's hard to put down!
I don't remember buying this book, but it was on my bookshelf so I guess I'll try it out!
This was an amazing ending to this trilogy. I was in tears for the last few chapters and it was totally worth it.
I love Rick Yancey's writing so much. One second he has you laughing at a joke and the next second someone is dying. And sometimes you're reading about aliens an suddenly there's a great quote about teddy bears.
So excited to finally have the last book in this series! Really not sure how the series is going to end yet, but I'm thinking it's not going to be a happy one.
"She has them wrapped in brass so they shine, and so no one thinks about what makes these wings seem so warm, so real."