As historic and fun as these fables are, we should move on from them. These fables are sexist because all of the stories only have male characters. They are innocent, but we have to move on from them.
As historic and fun as these fables are, we should move on from them. These fables are sexist because all of the stories only have male characters. They are innocent, but we have to move on from them.
I was heartbroken after what I found in the beginning of this book. Books one through three were really fun, but Percy compared a band playing at school to the sound of animal abuse. I cannot and will not finish this series. All he had to do was say that Percy hated the music, but his comparison to animal abuse ruined his series that I would have finished.
Hugh was so disgusting that I bailed on this book. I hope he gets punished, but I still don‘t want to continue because I predict there will be more scenes of Hugh being a pervert, and its not worth my time.
I had high hopes for this book. I got the first four books in a set. I bailed at about 300 pages into this book. Jamie almost cut his wife (their marriage was forced) trying to show off his sword fighting. I hated him. But the real reason why I abandoned the book was the constant panic attacks of censored. I was not satisfied with the quality of the writing.
This book is not worthy of the hype. I hated it. Hercules was supposed to be a hero, but he jokes of killing his wife. Achilles and Agamemnon had not safe word with civilians. Achilles lets the king kill a girl that I wanted Achilles to save. I abandoned this book when Patroclus joked about dogs fighting. I regret buying it.
This book is not safe. I don‘t know why it is so popular. My dad regrets getting it for me as a gift.
This book was good enough to read twice. It‘s safe and mostly fun to read, aside from one well respected man that had a tragic demise. This book was feminist in ways we under appreciate now due to the passage of time and change. Who gets the beloved Clarissa?
If these walls could scream has censored. The first few chapters were safe, and I liked them, but after If These Walls Could Scream I bailed on the book because that chapter was unsafe. My sister did more research and found additional chapters were unsafe. I‘d stick with Darcy Coates if I were you.
We were forced to read this in high school, I found this book to be really depressing and overrated. Holden is hard to like because he hates everything and everyone, and he screws his life up one mistake after another, but didn‘t feel sorry for him. I read this book for school and got rid of it. It doesn‘t deserve to be a classic in my eyes.
The main character‘s (Victoria Jones) anger problems made me dislike her. She is a selfish snob. She almost made her bus driver crash by throwing her backpack at him over her rudely chewing gum for one thing. I read spoilers which say that she becomes a mother, and I was angry about it to the point where I bailed on this book because I predicted she will be an abusive mother. Flowers had symbolism, but I hated Victoria so much I didn‘t care.
The cover of this book looks cute, and the beginning is cute, but it gets dark. Olive fake dates her professor, and that turns into forced marriage and se* she doesn‘t want. Don‘t buy this pornography book!
I read this book a decade ago in high school for an elective western religions class. I liked that back then, but I liked it more the second time I read it. Tom is an emotionally intelligent man seeking to understand different perspectives on religion as he travels through the U.S. interviewing people. He diversified the religions of his interviews, and I feel I understand my religious peers more. There are no conversion requirements.