•It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming.•
#strangethedreamer #lainitaylor #lazlostrange
•It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming.•
#strangethedreamer #lainitaylor #lazlostrange
Have tried out audiobooks for the first time lately, particularly the HP-series, and I can‘t put into words how enjoyable it is to have Stephen Fry read Harry Potter into my ears! The way he makes every character sound different (I love the Dursleys when he reads). I think I‘ll re-read (listen?) the whole series again.😌
This...is unusual for me. Six books! But I‘ve had a lot of time off, so my godreads reading goal is sending me flowers and being ever so proud of me. Started to series: The Raven Cycle (love it!) and re-reading The Southern Reach trilogy (holy bookshelves, but that series is good!).
#monthlywrapup #jeffvandermeer #maggiestiefvater #thesouthernreach #theravencycle
"For the director trailed plumes of emerald dust and behind her the nature of the world was changing, filling with a brightness, the rain losing its depth, its darkness. The thickness of the layers of the rain getting lost, taken away, no longer there.
The border was coming to the Southern Reach."
#goosebumps #authority #southernreach #jeffvandermeer #areaX
Very unexpected, very funny. Most appreciated.😄
#janeausten #persuasion
Re-reading the whole Southern Reach trilogy, and it‘s still so good second time around! I have to admit I was a little disappointed in the film. I felt it cut a lot of corners, and skipped a lot of the aspects in the first book which makes it creepy, complex and interesting. So I‘m basically reading all the books again to be reminded of their awesomeness. And I‘m thoroughly creeped out and enjoying myself.🤗
#annihilation #jeffvandermeer