Reading this book consisting of significant questions answered beautifully by Ramana Maharshi is definitely worth the read as it leaves a new awareness and peace of mind in its wake.
Reading this book consisting of significant questions answered beautifully by Ramana Maharshi is definitely worth the read as it leaves a new awareness and peace of mind in its wake.
A humorous read that gives you a wild ride through Chelsea Handler's mind and it's crazy ways! Very relatable and teaches you to chill and take life more easily and yourself less seriously!
The palace of illusions brilliantly presents the epic tale of Mahabharata through the eyes of Panchali. It is a refreshing perspective as the female characters of Mahabharata hasn't had a chance to offer their side of the story before. An empowering take that doesn't hesitate to throw light on reality and ugly truths! It explores what it is like to be a woman and the kind of courage and sacrifice demanded when their men parttake in a deadly war.
A heart touching tale told in the most brilliant way! A thousand splendid suns definitely paints the world of people living in Afganistan in such a manner that one could connect with them and understand what life is like for them. Mr. Hosseini successfully manages to create this connection and brought a foreign nation and its people close to readers like me and helped to see them as fellow brothers and sisters who struggle.
A truly heart touching tale told in a most brilliant way!
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