My reading outside of comics is somewhat limited. But much of my book collection is comprised of Star Wars novels, so what better way to #bookmark them than to use Star Wars widescreen trading cards? #riotgrams #starwars #thrawn
My reading outside of comics is somewhat limited. But much of my book collection is comprised of Star Wars novels, so what better way to #bookmark them than to use Star Wars widescreen trading cards? #riotgrams #starwars #thrawn
Yaaassssssssss #mockingbird #bobbiemorse #incharge
Finally reading this tonight! Heard nothing but wonderful things, so here we go! Forgive me if I post panels that grab me 😊 #mockingbird #bobbiemorse #askmeaboutmyfeministagenda ❤
#riotgrams wants #pinkcovers huh? Here ya go! Even comic lovers can find some gorgeous pink cover art in a medium that largely stayed away from pink on its covers unless it was a romance title. Still, these are some beautiful examples from the 1970's, 1980s, and today! #birdsofprey #avengersarena #alphaflight #pink
For a comic fan, there isn't a much more iconic example of #lovetriangles than Archie, Betty, and Veronica! This particular issue does a cool job of gender-swapping the trio - and it's got a #pink cover logo to boot! #feistyfeb #archie #genderswap #loveislove
Yes, they are both humanoids, but Norrin Radd, AKA the Silver Surfer, is from the planet Zenn-La, and Dawn Greenwood is from good ol' Anchor Bay, Massachusetts! I think it counts as one of our #diverselovestories ❤❤❤and if you haven't read any of Dan Slott and Mike Allred's run on this title, please do! It's just sweet and fun and has so many feels! #feistyfeb #silversurfer #dawngreenwood #loveislove
What comic better represents the great outdoors like Swamp Thing? Next time you want to get #outside head to your nearest swamp and see if you can find him. No swamps in your area? Then read this amazing series! The first volume by Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson is an absolute classic, and Alan Moore's run in the 1980s took the title into even weirder territory. Iconic graphic fiction! #riotgrams #swampthing #comics
When it comes to reading-related things I #lovetolisten to, I immediately think of book-and-record sets. Back in the mid-1970s, there were a slew of these, including Spider-Man, Dracula, and G.I. Joe. The set pictured here isn't the original I had as a kid, but I did have it back in the day, and I love the art, the voice acting, and the sound effects! #17booklove #gijoe #comics #vinyl
I don't have kids, but I still have my #favoritechildrensbook "The Runaway Robot." I haven't read it since I was a little kid, but I remember that my grandmother would read it to me at bedtime. This is the same copy, and it will never leave my collection ❤???❤#riotgrams #childrensbook #robot
Since Athens, GA and St. Augustine, FL aren't featured in any comics I can think of, my #setinabelovedlocation is 30th-century Metropolis, home of the Legion of Super-Heroes. So many of my favorite stories contain characters from this series. I hope to be writing a review of my favorite storyline from that series soon 😊 #17booklove #comics
My #literarycrush is Wanda Maximoff, Marvel's Scarlet Witch! These panels are from Avengers Annual 10, and her power was really showcased. Plus, Michael Golden drew her so beautifully. Loved her since I first read about her! #feistyfeb #comics
My first post! I'm hoping to learn about new #comics titles to try from you all, and share my faves as well! This pic isn't current, as I've had to relocate to another room in the house (my wife needed home office space), but you get the idea! #fantasticfour are my jam, along with #legionofsuperheroes #doctorstrange and plenty more. Looking forward to sharing with you all! #riotgrams