This is my second time reading this and I forgot how unlikeable all the characters are. Still enjoying the book but I don‘t like anyone which is unusual.
This is my second time reading this and I forgot how unlikeable all the characters are. Still enjoying the book but I don‘t like anyone which is unusual.
You‘ve been stickered. You‘re part of the sticker-bitch crew now. Count yourself lucky she didn‘t put them on your tits.” I look down. “She‘d have to find them first.” Lark snorts. “Shut up. You‘ve got great tits. All perky and shit. Great nips. Advantage of an optional bra and they don‘t smack you around. Small is sexy.” “Lark is like a tit sommelier. Trust her judgment,” Sloane says,
“Just keep her laughing,” Doug said. “When a woman laughs, her eyes are closed more. She won‘t notice how ugly you are.” I snorted, despite myself.
“Was everyone looking at her butt? They had to be. She looked at everyone‘s butts, even when she tried not to.” 😂
“It uses words like it‘s learned people say only because that‘s what it‘s made to do.” This sentence isn‘t making sense to me and I don‘t know why.
I can‘t decide if I picture Warwick as the boss in Grandma‘s boy or the second boss in IT Crowd.