I loved this! The author did a wonderful job telling the story of her immigration to the United States from Korea! Worth the read!
Recommend for 7th and up.
I loved this! The author did a wonderful job telling the story of her immigration to the United States from Korea! Worth the read!
Recommend for 7th and up.
-Fast paced,engaging read.
-Unique take on time travel.
-Likable side characters.
-Definitely dated, I can tell it was written in the early 2000‘s. Given both the phrases and the technology used. So it could be off-putting for teenagers today.
-The author was trying too hard to appeal to teens at the time, so MC feels like a caricature, rather than a person.
-Questionable attitudes and statements made.
Reading for 8th grade and up.
Again, like the first graphic novel adaption of this series, I liked the GN much better. Excellent artwork and engaging story.
I would mostly recommend for high school and up, with the exception of the advanced reader in 8th grade.
I was surprised with this one! I loved the graphic novel version of this book much better than the original, though I didn't think that that was possible! The artwork is amazing and brings even more depth to this already engaging story-line. Wonderful!
I would generally recommend this for high school and up, given the themes; although some advanced 8th-grade readers could reasonably get into this!
Nope, nope, nopity, nopeington.
I read the first section and I couldn‘t get past it. Pedophiles freak me out. I‘m sure this book is well written, as his other books are. But I couldn‘t finish it.
Riordan's description is perfect: “Dragon Pearl will be like nothing you've ever read: a zesty mix of Korean folklore, magic, and science fiction that will leave you longing for more adventures in the Thousand Worlds!"
This book is great for students 5th+. It is action filled & the pace is perfect for middle school readers. It engages those who love fantasy & mythology & introduces them to sci-fi. Good for classes who are reading across genres.
Meh. it was OK. It wasn‘t really that scary, but I really appreciated the graphic novel format.
Recommended for: eighth grade and up.
This was a wonderful book! It is very well written and the characters are funny, flawed, and sweet. The plot surprised me in a number of places which is pretty hard to given how many books I‘ve read. Original, heartwarming, and worth the read.
This is adult fiction, possibly 10th grade and up, but in my opinion this will generally appeal more to adult audiences.
“Every seven-year-old deserves a superhero. That‘s just how it is. Anyone who doesn‘t agree needs their head examined.”
This is a fantastic sequel to the novel Eragon. Unlike Eragon, it alternates between Eragon and Roran‘s, Eragan‘s cousin/adoptive brother‘s, perspectives. It follows Eragon‘s further training and Roran‘s journey throughout Alagaseia. The theme of this book is brothers, hence the title, Eldest, but I won‘t reveal anymore, for those who haven‘t had the distinct pleasure of reading this series. Generally for readers in late middle school and up.
Eragon is such a fun fantasy read! It‘s one of my favorites and I read it and over and over. The characters are all delightfully flawed and undergo quite a bit of growth.This first book is not as well-written as the rest of this cycle but it‘s very fun.I would highly recommend this book to late middle schoolers and up who loved Harry Potter, magic, or dragons.
“People have an annoying habit of remembering things that shouldn‘t.”-Brom
The first time I read this book I didn‘t really enjoy it. However the second time I read it I loved it! This provides a unique perspective to a very well-covered topic. This is definitely worth reading and rereading. Perfect for classes in high school or late middle school studying World War II, Germany, or genocide.
I really, really wanted to like this book, but I just struggled to focus on it. It ended up feeling more like a chore than a joy. Maybe I‘ll come back to it and read it later, but right now, I just I‘m not excited about it.
This is a wonderful story about a young black girl who faces in fights against stereotypes, micro-aggressions, & negative perceptions of poverty. It beautifully interweaves her journey of finding her voice to not only stand up for herself and what is right but to ask for the opportunities that she wants, as she finds her place in the world. This was beautifully written and expertly told. I have not been so hooked on a book for a long time.
This was a great adaption of the original book! I love that the illustrations are black-and-white, which adds to the overall tone of the novel. This would be a fantastic read for any classes who are reading the original. Students could compare & contrast the graphic novel to prose, & study how the messages are conveyed differently within each.
*Warning: Conveys the act & the trauma of sexual assault, which may be difficult for some readers.*
This was an amazing book! The plot is engaging, the characters flawed yet likable, and the pace excellent. This is not a sappy romance, but a tale of finding your courage in difficult circumstances. This is a must read!
This was amazing! I‘m so glad I bought it because it‘s such a beautiful book and I wouldn‘t have wanted to give it back to the library! Well written & beautifully drawn. A graphic novel worth the money, time, and award it won!
This was a fantastic book! It was a great balance of dry, sarcastic humor, and heartwarming moments. It covers the wonderful life-changing impact of friendship, the reality of hardship and sorrow, and how love and life can continue on past our darkest moments. Orson Scott Card does a really great job of creating unique, intriguing characters in this story. He also does a great job blending fantasy elements into reality.