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Almost American Girl
Almost American Girl: An Illustrated Memoir | Robin Ha
A powerful and moving teen graphic novel memoir about immigration, belonging, and how arts can save a life--perfect for fans of American Born Chinese and Hey, Kiddo. For as long as she can remember, it's been Robin and her mom against the world. Growing up as the only child of a single mother in Seoul, Korea, wasn't always easy, but it has bonded them fiercely together. So when a vacation to visit friends in Huntsville, Alabama, unexpectedly becomes a permanent relocation--following her mother's announcement that she's getting married--Robin is devastated. Overnight, her life changes. She is dropped into a new school where she doesn't understand the language and struggles to keep up. She is completely cut off from her friends in Seoul and has no access to her beloved comics. At home, she doesn't fit in with her new stepfamily, and worst of all, she is furious with the one person she is closest to--her mother. Then one day Robin's mother enrolls her in a local comic drawing class, which opens the window to a future Robin could never have imagined.
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This was such an amazing memoir. It was so fun to see it told as a graphic novel. The author‘s interest in comics ties in so well with the story. I would strongly recommend reading this graphic novel. It was an excellent read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#AlmostAmericanGirl #RobinHa #book #books #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #GraphicNovels #Memoir #NonFiction #Comics #Biography #Contemporary #BiographyMemoir #Family ❣️❣️

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This book was an emotional coming-of-age starting with the author's move to Alabama from Seoul when she was an 8th grader. She expresses the power of strong friendships, learns how to stand up for herself against racism, and even begins to empathize with her mother when she visits Seoul as an adult and can no longer relate to her old friends. 10/10 ⭐️

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A teen graphic novel memoir about a Korean-born, non-English-speaking girl who is abruptly transplanted from Seoul to Huntsville, Alabama, and struggles with extreme culture shock and isolation, until she discovers her passion for comic arts
#AlmostAmericanGirl #RobinHa #book #books #bookdesign #bookdesigner #bookdeal #bookdeals #bookdragon #bookdragons #GraphicNovels #Memoir #NonFiction #Comics #Biography #Contemporary #GrapicNovelsComics ❣️❣️❣️

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Interesting graphic memoir about Robin Ha's move from South Korea to The United States when she was 14. From missing her Korean friends to trying to fit in her new environment, Robin Ha recounts her experience with honesty.

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Very poignant immigration story told as a graphic novel. Misunderstandings between mother and daughter were stressed. I'm hoping I can get both of my daughters to read it. #Nonfiction2022 I'm an Outcast @Riveted_Reader_Melissa

Butterfinger I was updating my list and realized I haven't tagged you. @TheAromaofBooks #BookSpin for April 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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wanderinglynn 😆😆😆 2y
CrowCAH Tooo funny 😆 2y
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Almost American Girl uses allusion in the title by hinting to the protagonist of the story. It is hinting that they are not American and learning to become more American.

TheMrsShaw Not quite, but good try. Remember that an allusion is a reference to another work of art or popular culture. 2y
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My first completed book of September happens to fit today‘s #FallTreasures prompt. Robin Ha‘s graphic memoir is about her #SchoolDays after her mom moved them to Alabama from South Korea. I really enjoyed this! You could feel her anxiety and sadness (and later her success) after moving to a new country, a new school, and having to find herself in this environment. (This was one of my Book Riot #MyTBR recommendations.)

Eggs Sounds good 👌🏼📚👏🏻 3y
Christine I really liked this one, too! 3y
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One of the best graphic novels I‘ve read. I felt like I was the author, inside her expdrimvd, her memories are so vivid and at times so heartbreaking, frustrating and confusing. Beautifully drawn and with a lot of depth, both myself and my 13 year old loved this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I started to rate this a 4 but then thought about the repetition. So then I was going to do 3 1/2 but there was some whining. I will say I would have whined and been mad in her place. Even though I ended this #graphicmemoir at a 3 for the writing, I would still recommend it as it‘s a short investment about the immigrant experience. Always worthwhile.

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Perfect 4th of July read! I really loved this. Ha‘s art is wonderful, and she conveys so much emotion through it. Hard to read about her uniquely painful childhood at times, but there‘s a lot of universal truth in how she wrote about it, too (see photo). Renewed thanks to @cwarnier for this perfect swap gift.

cwarnier Not gonna lie I read it before I sent it to you and loved it. 3y
Christine @cwarnier Haha yay, I‘m so glad you did! :) 3y
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Interesting graphic memoir about a young Korean girl moving to the US. I appreciated the way the language showed that she could understand only bits and pieces of everyone‘s conversation. Not sure exactly what it was but I just couldn‘t quite get attached to the main character. I‘m not the right audience for this one I think. It‘s more geared to a teenager.

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Thank you so much, @cwarnier ! I can‘t wait to read this book, and Reese‘s and baking-themed anything are always the way to my heart. 🍩🍫🥜 Happy Valentine‘s Day to anyone who observes (and a happy and safe Sunday to all)! 💘 #bookcupidswap

candority Such cute sticky tabs! 🧁 Happy Valentine‘s Day! 💖 3y
cwarnier Enjoy💖 3y
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WOW this book was good. I‘m finally making a dent in the books I got for Christmas, and I can‘t believe I waited so long to read this one. The art was beautiful, the story is told so well, and for many reasons including Ha‘s talent, I believe going with the graphic novel format was perfect. This book made me feel SO MANY THINGS. An eye opening heart-wrencher.

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Total impulse read. I was searching for what book to send for #cupidbookswap and bought this one. After reading the back I decided I needed to read it before sending it off. I hope that the person receiving this doesn't mind.😀
Great storyline. It really makes me think about how people are treated and how foreigners have to adapt to the USA.
#bbrc #Teenangst #new2020 @librarianryan @Sarahreadstoomuch

Sarahreadstoomuch I‘ve been curious about this one!👍 4y
LibrarianRyan 😁❤️👍🏻 4y
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When Robin Ha was 14, she thought she and her mom were just going on vacation from Korea to the USA. Instead, it became a permanent move. In this poignant memoir in #comics format, Ha documents the challenges and eventual rewards of her new life. I especially love the way her perspective on her amazing mother shifts as Ha matures.

LiteraryinLawrence I thought this one was really well done! 4y
Butterfinger Great review! Stacked. 4y
Lindy @Butterfinger 😘👍 4y
MarriedtoMrT I really enjoyed this one, too! 4y
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No one openly talked about this bribery tradition in Korea, but many teachers expected and accepted bribes from parents.

Butterfinger I've read several memoirs set during the Cultural Revolution that it was done quite openly. 4y
Lindy @Butterfinger In this case, it was definitely blatant. The teacher made her student‘s school experience as miserable as possible in retaliation to the mother‘s refusal to pay a bribe. 4y
Butterfinger Oh I see. I thought it was the daughter fussing at the mother. 4y
Lindy @Butterfinger Robin was only in Grade 3 when her mother had this interaction with the teacher. So unfair! 4y
Milara I hate that so much! I come from a culture where these 'gifts' were not only expected, but mandatory - you would have to butter up teachers, doctors, or anyone in a state institution. I always wondered what that woman would do with 40 bouquets of flowers on woman's day?! Open a flower shop?! It's demeaning... Bribing someone to do a job they are already paid to do... 😡 4y
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The author is saddened by the ubiquity of plastic surgery among young people in Korea, when she returned for a visit in 2002. It reminds me of the novel by Frances Cha, If I Had Your Face.

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When 14-year-old Robin faces an abrupt move from her home country of South Korea to the southern United States, she doesn‘t think she‘ll ever be able to adjust or forgive her mother for forcing her into a new life she didn‘t ask for. Yet in this beautifully illustrated graphic memoir, Robin tells a story that is just as hopeful as it is heartbreaking, as she and her mother persist against all odds to make a better life for themselves. 💙🇰🇷🇺🇸

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I love graphic novel memoirs! This one is the story of a 14 year old girl from Korea. She and her mother take a vacation to the US (Alabama) and end up staying. This is what it is like to learn a new language and culture. It was very well written and illustrated.

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A great graphic memoir describing the growing pangs of being a teenage immigrant to the U.S. very well done

Cortg I have the hold sitting at my desk!! I‘m looking forward to it! 4y
Nebklvr @Cortg It is so good! 4y
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You follow Robin's journey to America. You get to see the sad and happy parts of her life.
This small book is very impactful because Robin goes through a rough time in high school. She's Korean, having to learn another language and being different in a school with white children cand be very intimidating. She showed us how brave and couragous she is by never quitting. Seeing how far she has been in life with everything happening was inspiring.

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Robin Ha's mother wants a better life for her and her daughter, but as she works for it, Robin experiences homesickness, prejudice, and loneliness. It's heartbreaking and infuriating to see her struggles and pain. Robin shares her experiences and emotions are through sweet and expressive artwork that I really enjoyed. I would love to have copies of this one for my students to read.

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Chuna/Robin is taken to live in Alabama and must restart her life in the US. There are a lot of painful adjustments but the ending is more or less happy and hopeful.

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This is Robin Ha‘s memoir in graphic novel form. Uprooted suddenly from her home in Seoul, Korea, Robin faces racism and discrimination daily in Her new home in Alabama, USA. Learning English as a second language and ridiculed for her accent and appearance, She struggles to connect with others and make friends. I HIGHLY recommend this one !

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So this has never happened... Normally on Overload I have the option to read on kindle OR download an EPUB edition. Well now these are my only two choices. Is this a glitch? New policy? Is there a setting I need to change? I'm no sure how I feel about this?

Crazeedi What's read in browser? That's crazy! 4y
Sace @Crazeedi it opens up in a safari tab (I'm on my iPad.) I eventually went to the libby app. I hope this isn't a new thing because I much preferred to download an EPUB document. 4y
rockpools My guess is it‘s just individual titles. In the UK we don‘t have the kindle option, but I‘ve very often (not always) seen the read in browser option. 4y
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Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve used the read in browser option before—it was years ago, but the book wasn‘t available for Kindle, so that‘s what I used. 4y
xicanti I usually see this option from comics publishers. I assume they format their books so the file size is larger or something. 4y
Sace @xicanti Ohhhhh.... This is a graphic novel. That may explain it. 4y
MeganAnn My son and I both really enjoyed this graphic novel!! ❤️ 4y
Sace @MeganAnn I read some this morning and I am liking it, despite the sadness. 4y
Crazeedi @Sace huh, I dont know, I'll have to see if that happens to me 4y
Sace @Crazeedi I'm interested to hear about your experience. 4y
Crazeedi @Sace I'll let you know if it does. ❤ 4y
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I really enjoyed this YA graphic novel about a girl from Korea that emigrated to America in the 90‘s when she was 14. I would definitely recommend this to my students- she really captures all the emotions of being an immigrant and how hard it is to learn a new culture and language.

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I liked this graphic novel memoir. The graphic style draws you inside Chuna's life and helps you feel what she feels, the happy child in Seoul, friends, activities, life. A life that gets, well, destroyed, as her mother seeks a dream of a better life in the US.
Ha's ways of narrating the isolation Chuna, now Robin goes through being dropped in a space where she doesn't know the langage, the social rules in heartbreaking but also empowering.

writerlibrarian Robin does make it out of depression and adapts. Through art, mangas, anime and friends. #graphicnovel #YA 4y
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Next book of the day... while watching Vegas and Chicago battle it out.
#graphicnovel #YA

writerlibrarian Another OT Game 😂 4y
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A ya graphic novel about moving to a new country where you don‘t speak the language or understand the culture.

jmtrivera In my library holds! 4y
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Was able to pick up and finish in one night which is rare for me.

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My review of this book can be found on my Youtube channel at:



Bradleygirl oh I found this recently and adored it 💙 4y
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I loved this! The author did a wonderful job telling the story of her immigration to the United States from Korea! Worth the read!
Recommend for 7th and up.

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Wonderful YA illustrated memoir by Robin (Chuna) Ha about coming to the US as a teen in 1995 and trying to manage grief, anger, 8th grade and a new family. Great for kids/teens. https://cannonballread.com/2020/06/almost-american-girl-an-illustrated-memoir-el...

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I‘ve got my stack ready for #comicthon tomorrow! Which I seem to be interpreting more as middle-grade graphic novel. 🤣 All but one of these are all next up on my #bookspinbonanza list!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I'm trying to find more graphic novels to read, so I'll be interested in your reviews!! 4y
ShelleyBooksie Looking forward to your reviews! 4y
readingjedi Love your Isabel Funko! 4y
alisiakae @readingjedi that‘s @xicanti ‘s Funko! I‘m jealous though, that‘s one I don‘t have. 4y
Schnoebs Definitely going to be jumping in on this event. Super excited 🙌 4y
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I love the humour in this memoir. Nicely done.

LiteraryinLawrence I liked this one too! 4y
charl08 Hoping lots of kids find it: seems like one that could support a lot of children (I moved at about the same age, and I don't remember reading anything about how hard it was). 4y
charl08 @LiteraryinLititz missed the tag! 4y
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This was the perfect graphic memoir for #readharder task 4. Everything about it was great. The story, the art, an interesting perspective.

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Yesterday was a good reading day! ?

• Read 66 more pages of the tagged title. Finding her immigrant experience to the USA ?? painfully familiar.

• Thoroughly enjoyed 28 more pages of "I Will Judge You By Your Bookshelf" and will likely purchase the book as I'm currently borrowing a digital copy from the library.

• Listened to 1hr 20 min of Untamed (14% ⬆️) Almost done!

Bonus! Watched "Spirited Away" for the first time with the hubby ?

Cinfhen Woohoo 🙌🏻 yay!!! 4y
Librariana @Cinfhen - Small victories, Cindy, but I'll take them! (Hope it's ok that I used your name! I realize that's very personal) 💖 4y
Cinfhen I‘m so glad that you do!!! It‘s more friendly 💕💕💕 4y
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Despite having enough books in this house to last... for more than a reasonable amount of time, I still felt compelled to stop by my library today as we all prepare for a six week closure.

It was bittersweet, given the circumstances, to see so many people from the community stop by to get lots of treats for themselves and their kiddos... possibly even for family members who are exercising an abundance of precaution and remaining indoors. ⬇️

Librariana I resisted picking up too many fiction titles (there is *one* that snuck in there...) as there are already plenty here at home (plus an entire stack of previously checked out materials not pictured, but who's counting!?)

(me... it's me... I'm counting)

I selected quite a few graphic novels - 3 not included are for the hubby as he is more a builder and gamer than a reader - and a handful of nonfiction titles.

trueisa4letterword I loved Almost American Girl! 4y
Librariana @trueisa4letterword - I'm especially excited about reading this one and so grateful my hold made it in prior to the closure 💖 So happy to see you loved it! 😊 4y
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Got some great #graphicnovels today!

Deifio Looks good! I haven't read a good graphic novel in ages. My library unfortunately doesn't have many... 4y
LiteraryinLawrence I recently read the bottom 2 and liked them! 4y
Peddler410 I have three of these! Missing I Was Their American Dream. I‘ll look for it at the bookshop tomorrow 😊 4y
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Sitting here with my furry American girl, Emmie, I finished up this very enjoyable graphic memoir by Robin Ha. It shows her personal journey from being brought to Alabama at age 14 without any warning. Robin navigates her relationship with her mom and new stepfamily while being the only international student at her school. The story progresses from there and follows her through college, though I wish it hadn‘t rushed the last 5 years so much.

LiteraryinLawrence I loved the author‘s illustration style and the relatable way she showed what it‘s like to feel out of place. This story, I think, would resonate with many middle and high schoolers and build empathy. 4y
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