“Shhh, shhh, says the sea, but I don‘t believe her.” - THE SCORPIO RACES
“Shhh, shhh, says the sea, but I don‘t believe her.” - THE SCORPIO RACES
I‘m going to try to represent all genres on this blog, but I love sci-fi and fantasy so much. I especially love sci-if IN SPACE so much, because even though there aren‘t dragons, you sometimes get other delightful things like evil AIs and runner zombies and chestbursters. Or at least you do if Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff are writing it. I can‘t wait to get my hands on the third book in this series, OBSIDIO!
Ain‘t no book like a Flavia de Luce book ‘cause a Flavia de Luce book got poisons and DEATH.
No, seriously, this series is amazing. It‘s an adult mystery series about a preteen kiddo named Flavia in post-WWII 1950s England. She‘s like a mini-Sherlock Holmes, knows all about chemistry and poisons, and is wickedly clever. Also, everyone needs to meet Dogger, because he is the most precious.
Could use more dragons, but the corpse count is 👌🏼
Dragons are #1 in my heart, but I‘m also partial to spaceships, and the Imperial Radch trilogy is NARRATED by a spaceship & it‘s magnificent. The worldbuilding alone is breathtaking, & I loved the way the story evolved from a cold-blooded revenge plot to a ragtag found family working together against various prejudices & disabilities to save the galaxy.
#QOTD: Have you read this series and what did you think? If not, what‘s your favorite sci-fi?
Changing up the account! This is now my hobby account, NeedsMoreDragons! (Aka my life motto.) You can also find me on Instagram as _needsmoredragons.
Nngh, this book. It takes all the things I love Natasha Pulley for (well-researched history + enchanting magic, lonely and sad boys looking for a place to belong, writing I could curl up and die of bliss in, wibbly-wobbly-times-wimey elements) and adds so many AMAZING new things:
Living stone guardians!
Exploding trees!
Fiercely guarded forests that disappear people who cross a specific line!
Glass cliffs!
Mythology like woah!
Beautiful. Beautiful and powerful and respectful and swoony and heart-wrenching and every possible glowing adjective imaginable. I'm a hard sell when it comes to YA Contemporary, but I trust Emery completely and this is hands down her best book yet.
This was worth the seven years of waiting. As much as I adored Thick as Thieves the first time, MWT's work always improves on the reread, and this one was no exception. Dear Kamet and his poor Attolian charmed me in every way. If you haven't read this series, start with The Thief and go in blind so as not to spoil yourself. The twists are worth it.
I will spend the rest of my life shoving this book into the hands of everyone I meet. It's gorgeously written, intricately plotted, utterly heartbreaking, a YA that could function as a literary adult book without sacrificing pacing or plot or characterization. Ugh. Love it.
A contemporary romance that I actually liked that covers realistic grief and moving on without being too melancholic or sappy and a romance that reads like an angsty teen You've Got Mail. YES PLEASE.
"Things That Are Black and Beautiful:
A Starless Night
Storm Clouds
Black Swans
Afro Puffs
Michelle Obama
THE GREAT SHELBY HOLMES--a Sherlock MG retelling so cute that even Moriarty is pawsitively hounding me for a copy! Seriously, Shelby Holmes and John Watson are so much fun. Little me would have loved this book, and grown me is filled with warm fuzzies!
"For readers who got hooks on tyrannosaurs as 5-year-olds, and want to know more at 15 or 50, this book is a useful introduction to some of the most wonderfully terrifying animals to ever walk the Earth." - The Wall Street Journal
To which I say, heck yeah!!
BOOM, BABY! This is a contemporary book with profanity and a love interest with an incomprehensible hairstyle--all not-me things--but I LOVED THIS BOOK. It's hilarious and quippy and fun but also tense (hello, the world is ending) with relatable, philosophical moments. ❤️👏🏼👍🏼☄
In my opinion, Kate Messner just gets better and better. Like her other books, TSW tackles real-life serious issues in a gentle, age-appropriate manner. I love books that are both fun and sweet but also don't avoid hard truths. Kids need this book.
It's a very strange feeling to read a book set in your hometown. Strange but awesome. Fort Myers, Florida: Come for the beach, stay for the creepy story about the missing kids and the fascinating look at how memory affects identity and vice-versa. Or something.
Beautiful skies for a beautiful book. This book has so many strong female characters and each are a different kind of strong. Some are loud, some are quiet, some are strong in their kindness and others in their forcefulness. SO MANY EXCELLENT WOMEN.
Please forgive the fanatical gleam in my eye, but if I lower the book you can see the HUGE GAPING HOLE WHERE MY HEART USED TO BE. This book takes everything that is wonderful about THE FIXER and rockets it up another ten levels. Brilliant, crafty, and almost made me hyperventilate.
"I'm sweet and sour, not a little flower! I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm a girl!"
This is a work book, but Reader Me loves it to pieces! Go girl power!
A very interesting twist on a classic Sherlock retelling where the Holmes stories are memoirs instead of fiction and the protagonists in this story are the descendants of the originals. Some minor complaints, but overall very shippy and engaging.
Everything I want in a time-traveling ship book. A+ protagonist, tense familial relations, diverse cast, heady blend of history, fantasy, and mythology, FABULOUS boy... Yes. All the yes.
Inaugurating my Litsy account with a photo of the first book in my favorite series alongside the cat that bears its name.