Ben Moon is a true inspiration. Looking forward to reading his book this weekend. 🖤
Ben Moon is a true inspiration. Looking forward to reading his book this weekend. 🖤
Sick and sitting in my hanging chair. 🤧 Maybe I can finally finish #fantasticland since I started it ages ago. 🙄 But to be fair, I got sidetracked with school work so there was a reason I didn‘t finish earlier. I‘m horrible at personal time management.
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
1. Gardening! I love flowers!
2. That right behind it is Summer, and all the intense heat that comes with it (we don‘t have A/C) ☹️
3. Hanging out with my 2 year old nephew
4. Make time for more creative things, like painting
I need to finish this book quickly because so far I have had 2 nightmares 2 nights in a row based around an amusement park, and I haven‘t even read anything that scary yet! 👀
“...It‘s better to face madness with a plan than to sit still and let it take you in pieces.”
Very tense book. I‘m curious to see how the film adapts the story, since I am sure there are things it cannot translate.
There are characters I want to hug, characters I want to punch, and situations I want to mourn. I‘d say more but I don‘t want to spoil anything. 🤭
Was set to start reading Bird Box but I really want to dive into Fantasticland first. What should I choose? 🤔
I have no affiliation whatsoever with this book or author, Paul Brad Logan. However, he‘s trying to fund publishing via Inkshares and the description I read was pretty interesting so I thought I would share here in case anyone is interested in wacky crime stories (think David Lynch?). 🤨
3.5 stars.
My political fatigue has hit critical mass, so when I saw Trump‘s name on a page I was immediately taken out of the story. I instantly started to guess at where the book was going to take me. But I continued and found a lovely novella. Nothing groundbreaking. Not a horror story. More like a meditation on acceptance, change and perception.
Edit to add - The stereotypes are a bit much, but I could read past them. Your mileage may vary.
I‘ve challenged my husband to a reading commitment/book club. His first choice is Adrift by Rob Boffard and I have chosen the lighthearted story of The Road by Cormac McCarthy. 😬
"Sometimes the clouds inside my head get big and gray and swirly and then I hurricane through my eyes."
I'm not sure this is one of the "greatest horror books of all-time"... I generally wouldn't toss a book about cannibalism into that ring. However, this was quite disturbing. Every time my husband walked into the room while I was reading, I was making some type of horrified/grossed out face. I'm pretty happy with the ending...nothing feel-good about any of it, which I greatly appreciate. If you want a fast, gore filled read than this is your book.
Using a Garfield bookmark to feel less afraid when I read at night. 😂
New additions to the bookshelf. Some Kind of Happiness was my Valentines gift from my husband (with flowers, of course).
So many books I'm just not sure what to start with today.... 🤔
Christmas gifts and new additions to my enormous TBR pile. Going to make a huge effort to make time to read...something I fail at doing quite well.
I like the movie. It's a guilty pleasure for me. So when I wanted to read something kind of light and easy-breezy before I tackle a mountain of dark books, I thought this would be a good choice. Well...bad idea. Everyone was unlikable with no depth. I didn't care about anyone.
I'm on my last 100 pages and I'm frankly finding it to be a nuisance to get through. I don't like Andrea. I'm not feeling sympathetic to her plight. She took the job and whines about it even though she's using the job to get ahead fast.
Going to tackle my inner monkey and break through the procrastinating critic that lives in my head.