Rereading for book club. If you love The Brontes and Daphne de Maurier, then this is in your wheelhouse. Great book for fall!
Rereading for book club. If you love The Brontes and Daphne de Maurier, then this is in your wheelhouse. Great book for fall!
I was blown away Red Rising. It was truly epic, witty and beautiful. The best way I can describe it is The Hunger Games meets Game of Thrones, but also unique in itself. Loved it! I can't wait to read the second book.
Okay, so technically I "didn't finish" but reading about half, skipping to the end, and reading spoilers and then going back and reading those scenes has to count, right? Please no one hate me. I think of myself as an Outlander fan, but Voyager was such a disappointment. I hate the direction of the story, especially that it moves at a snail's pace. There are some questionable actions and choices by a certain beloved character that made me cringe.
This was a terrific Christmas story that wasn't too fluffy or mushy, as Christmas books tend to be. I mean it begins with a cheating husband and backstabbing sister! So, not like any Christmas book I've read before. I won't give anything away, but the plot was really fun.
First, I must say I rarely read from the erotica romance genre, but I heard about this book on a podcast. Wow! This book was so amazing! For almost the first half there are no naughty bits, but even without anything of that sort the sexual tension and romantic buildup is fabulous. In this story the main character is conflicted when her high school bully shows up in her college film class. It's a really fun and sensual read.
I know so many readers love this novel, and it could have been that way for me if not for the ending and a few other reasons. The characters and readability is all that saved it from birdcage liner status.I pushed it to the top of my read pile because of the movie, but pretty sure I'll skip it now.
The Library at Mount Char is a fantasy meets horror novel that is truly like nothing I've ever encountered before. This was definitely the weirdest novel I've ever read, but in a good way. Once this story grabbed me, which didn't take long, it wouldn't let go.
This was a beautifully told novel about love, magic and sacrifice. I'm always drawn to stories about the circus (maybe I was a lion tamer in another life) and sideshow characters. Wonderful and whimsical.
I love retellings, and this one was an unexpected and enjoyable take on the Bluebeard fairy tale. It takes place in Mississippi before the civil war on a wealthy plantation, which made a perfect backdrop for a southern Gothic tale. Sorta reminded me of Jane Eyre, but lustier and violent.
This novel was an anxiety producing,thrill ride from start to finish. From the opening paragraphs describing a woman being held in a wooden box by her kidnapper, I was hooked. I had never read a novel by Lisa Gardner, but was pleasantly surprised. It was a thrilling reading experience.