A fairly random library haul.
A rainy gloomy Saturday is no match for stack of library books.😀
I love that the girls have a monster squad poster in their room. I was obsessed with that movie as a kid. If Andre Gower or Ryan Lambert are out there....call me!
I really enjoy the art style of this graphic novel.
As the first official book for my #smuttySunday this book was a bit of a mess. It isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea but it was a fun romp. Yet another reason to love Hoopla, I would never have come across this.
I found this giant full-color collector's edition and I couldn't pass it up.
The book is a recommendation from a friend but this is the most accurate word to describe me.
"Stink bugs are temporary.Love is forever."
The illustrations in this book are amazing!