It‘s just a really well told story about a woman who loves moss in the 19th century. It‘s a science story, a history story, a travel story, a feminist story, and a love story.
It‘s just a really well told story about a woman who loves moss in the 19th century. It‘s a science story, a history story, a travel story, a feminist story, and a love story.
I read this because Bloom is the star and co-creator of my favorite show, but I think anyone would love it. Bloom is hilarious, even as she gets personal with her own mental health journey.
A really creative new world, great character development, a real page turner. Jemisin is the first Black woman to win the Hugo, and is the first person to win it 3 times for this trilogy.
An easy read that had me talking about it to anyone who would listen. It has a little of everything - science, history, biography, psychology, self exploration...and it has me at least partially convinced...fish really don‘t exist!
My favorite book for grown-ups; it‘s creative, political, just the right amount of weird, and is pretty much the poster child for the magical realism genre.
My all time favorite book; it‘s sad, funny, folksy, and a really well-spun yarn.