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Joined January 2020

Anyone who has time to clean isn't reading enough.
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The Deep by Rivers Solomon, Daveed Diggs, William Hutson, Jonathan Snipes
The Heap: A Novel | Sean Adams

It felt a little post apocalyptic without the whole world ending stuff. Instead just a society living in a 500 story building. Have & have-nots like any other forming their own strange culture & customs. The society collapses (literally) and what is left is a small village looking for purpose in the ruins & folklore. Like digging out the radio DJ broadcasting from somewhere under the rubble that NOBODY questions the logic of.

This book was fun.

They Called Us Enemy | George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott

Oh, my.

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern
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Boldest part of the book: Marcus and Celia bind themselves to a circus they can't leave for a relationship built on deception when they had never spent more than 5 hours together.

The Night Circus | Erin Morgenstern

It's like Romeo and Juliet were Hogwarts students sent to Battle Royal written in a way that is like trying to follow Memento.


Not to the same extent but I am more than guilty of being socially awkward in just about every group I find myself in.

Eleanor has inspired me to look into the source of my own awkwardness and reach out to the wonderful people in my life who make such an effort to include me despite my shortcomings. This is the perfect book for someone who suffers from loneliness and unfairly blames themselves.


One from Husband and I's private bookclub. Both hikers so it fit. Definitely supplied us with many interesting conversation topics such as the importance of animal research to advancing technology and using a hobby to bring nations together. Sometimes it felt like the author wanted to tell about his (justifiably) interesting experiences that didn't quite feel like they belonged. Good book - but needs a certain person with a certain mindset.


I ended up with a physical copy of this book when I learned it had been passed around a group of friends. As the socially awkward penguin of the group I'm not sure if I should be worried it took so long for me to learn about it. 100 pages in and it doesn't matter! I'm loving it and only glad to be reading it now!!!


“From trains to automobiles to airplanes, each time the speed of connection quickens, travelers have expressed a sense of growing alienation from the land blurring past our windows. In the same vein, many people currently worry that digital technology is making us less connected to the people and things in our immediate environment.“ -Moor

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Reading this with my husband. Both of us are climbers and hikers so we're excited for the new perspective this book will give us while out on the trails. #currentlyreading

Hollow Kingdom | Kira Jane Buxton
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This review might be a little bias since the climax happens blocks from my freaking house. More likely it is a dang good book. Because who wouldn't love a book narrated by a Seattle crow with an identity crisis and a moderate-to-severe Cheeto addiction who quotes Russell Wilson?

More than just for laughs. There are lessons on family, leadership, teamwork, and being connected to this beautiful world. Read it for Twinkies sakes!

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Another Kalani approved book and perfect for those snowed in days. A socially inept man adopts a one-eyed dog who he shares his biggest secrets with. Written beautifully it puts into words the loving bond between a man and his dog.

It is a depressing story - being real. But there is also beauty that makes it worth the read.


Hollow Kingdom | Kira Jane Buxton
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#currentlyreading This book keeps bringing up all my favorite places. I thought I was going to spend the weekend hiding from bad weather but looks like I'll have to make a visit to Woodinville Whiskey!

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You OWE it to your dog to read this book. Not to mention dogs are master trainers and will figure you out and have you trained themselves if you don't keep up. A happy and understood dog is obedient and understands their job (and has one!). Dominance training will only train a dog to be afraid of you. If you want a best friend learn puppers language for yourself!! Kalani approves this book.


As a nervous climber this helped me overcome a lot of mental blocks I had climbing. It also gave me some tools that have helped me in other aspects of my life.

Climbing can be a great confidence builder. And this is a great book to help get through those lessons if you find yourself on that journey.

The Starless Sea | Erin Morgenstern

I try to use the Library. It's cheaper and more sustainable. We have a great one and everything I want to read/see/listen to is always available.

Except this book! #216 on the waiting list! Will it be worth that wait??

BillBlume Depends on your tastes. The language of the writing is beautiful, and it‘s got an interesting premise. If you‘re more into plot... maybe not. I‘m early in it, but that‘s my impression, so far. 5y
RogueMusings @BillBlume Thank you! I can get into beautiful writing in a big way. Annie Dillard - that's my jam. I guess I'll see how I feel as I start dipping into the 100's on the waiting list after starting in the 300's last month. Normally I avoid books with long waits until the hype wears down. But NPR compared it to my childhood game MYST and that did it. So either I spend some money or continue to hype it up in my head for another few months. 5y
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The Mirage | Matt Ruff

This book crosses into territory so ridiculous it was fun. While a serious book I was laughing out loud. But that is because both sides are just so ridiculous even in real life. Some truth: I got bored in the middle and put it down for 3 months. A war movie got me thinking about it again and suddenly it wasn't boring anymore.

Needs a certain mind-frame which is fair. A good time for this one with the Middle East political climate.

Power | Naomi Alderman

Power is written like a cross between a science/history report and a drama. The concept is brilliant. The story is definitely thought provoking. However, I constantly felt like I was just powering through to see how it ends. It wasn't so terrible I wanted to give up. Just good enough so I kept going. Towards the end I used an audio version.

It isn't a book in my list of recommendations to people but I would say give it a shot if they asked.

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #litsywelcomewagon 5y
rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 5y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 5y
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RogueMusings @Eggs Thank you! 5y
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