My very first full audiobook. Had an injury with my eye that made reading challenging. But I still found this story enjoyable even if it was a different topic than I usually go for and even tho it was a different method than I was used to.
My very first full audiobook. Had an injury with my eye that made reading challenging. But I still found this story enjoyable even if it was a different topic than I usually go for and even tho it was a different method than I was used to.
This book has been discussed all over social media and I was still shocked and surprised. Interesting read!
Solid advice that isn‘t overly preachy. Easier said than done guidance but made a lot of sense and felt like it was written from a place of love. Would recommend to friends in their season of singledom.
A story that has been told many times and in different ways. I did fully enjoy the ride of this version - I mourned missed opportunities and mourned the unknown but genuinely liked the time I spent with these characters.
“And I guess it‘s about courage, too. The courage to love despite loss of any kind. If you can‘t see anything good in yourself or the world right now, see that part. See courage. That will guide you like it guides me.”
Beautiful story about 5 young adults growing up in a divided country where commitments to family often conflict with the commitments to themselves. Engaging and beautiful but left no conclusions, you don‘t know what these characters ultimately choose for themselves and that‘s devastating because by the end of this book you care. You are invested. Hope to see a sequel.
This book has one of the most devastating outcomes without a real silver lining to me. The story is addictive ~ I needed to know the end. But I feel such sadness and sorrow. Emotionally charged, I continued to root for this family but now I‘m searching for the lesson, searching for the positive and I‘m just not sure there is one. 😢
This was a very entertaining read. I guessed key parts and was teased when those things were revealed but the story developed and persisted anyways. It made reading this book a rollercoaster ride. The characters annoyed me - truly some unlikeable characters but the story was thrilling and interesting. I don‘t regret the time spent with this book but not sure I would eagerly recommend it to others.
Jenna was a flawed character, but I rooted for her growth and development- and was absolutely rewarded. Tia Williams created a heroine that completely falls apart but comes back more aware of who she is and is unapologetically living her truth. Very grateful to see the transformation.
“This object was a marvel despite its lack of physical luster. It moved the emotions of viewers; so many of them succumbed to sobs..that the curator fell into the habit of handing out tissues besides the display. … it is the worlds shortest slave narrative, stripped down to its essence, sent back to us through time like a message in a bottle.” Beautiful concept, I wanted to love the book, but overly repetitive and at times boring.
This book was everything it needed to be, I felt seen, I felt hope and I felt the power of healing.
This book was everything it needed to be, I felt seen, I felt hope and I felt the power of healing.
Hard week at work and a gracious friend gifted this book to me so I could learn and overcome. Blessed to have friends who see me.
Difficult topic to address, but this book reads in a very relatable way. To be an ally, is to do the work but you have to understand first.
“An aggressive act of personal reinvention “ relatable in a lot of ways. Sometimes I run from the worst version of myself only to find I‘ve overdone it in an unhealthy way to protect myself.
Completely worn, barely being held together but this book changed the way I saw life and saw myself. So for my first entry I wanted to start with a book that I love.