Very slow going , but sort of liking it .
Awesome story , awesome narrator . At 16 percent , a definite 5 🌟 material .
Annoying , misleading
Poorly researched scientific facts.
Was thoroughly disappointed at the end, though the first half was an engrossing read.
Have been gifted this by husband more than a year ago... Somehow I couldn't start reading ...don't know why. From yesterday night the book has been beckoning me with its siren cry .. Yess.. the time has come .
As we say "shubh muhurth"- the auspicious time ?
Dramatic and fast-paced . Took adequate care of my thriller junkie craving .
Started the day with P G Wodehouse.
Reading his books after a long , long time ( last read in early twenties )
True !
Why do we hurt those we love the most ?
Going to find out soon 😋
Had been with me for more than a decade. Had purchased second hand from a used book store for a pittance . (Rs. 20, if anyone's keen to know 😄)
Loved it. 5 stars . Can't do a detailed review here due to word restrictions. Suffice that loved the prose and Alaska came alive , despite me reading it in the heights of monsoon in a tropical country .
As riveting as one of us is lying . Enjoying the audio as I do my chores and daily walks .
A tough nut to crack. The vernacular dialect is headache inducing ..though the story was thought provokingly powerful
Loved it!
A juicy peek into the unfolding drama between a couple entangled in infidelity and secrets .
Just passable for a Murakami .
This book deals with realities and mirages ... Two sides of a coin , mirror images .. and everything double natured.
Plus it looks upon various hues of attraction - between friends , employer -employees , man -woman, woman-woman.
There are 3 lead characters -
Sumire, the mysterious 22 year old, the narrator , Sumire's friend and secret admirer , and Miu, the older lady whom Sumire is enamored of.