Catch up on my shows... or read? Who am I kidding? I‘ll always choose reading over anything. 😂
Catch up on my shows... or read? Who am I kidding? I‘ll always choose reading over anything. 😂
When your husband goes into Home Depot.. you come prepared to sit in the truck and read.
My first Colleen Hoover book and surely won‘t be my last! Such a cute plot line. Fallon survives a fire but lives with scars on one side of her body. She blames her father for not rescuing her from the fire. She meets a boy in the most unexpected way and after one day together, agree to meet up on the same day every year, for the next five years. Do you believe in insta-love??? Fallon didn‘t. Until now.
Just finished reading November 9 by Colleen Hoover. Look for my review on my next post. Up next.. Verity by her as well!
Oh I so really wanted to like this book. I don‘t ever stop reading a book so I pushed through hoping it would get better. The timelines and points of view made it confusing to follow and there was a lot of information in there that could have been removed that I didn‘t feel really added to the plot. Good idea behind the plot, the book just wasn‘t for me.
Got an ARC in the mail today from #goodreads. Can‘t wait to start #thesilentpatient !!!
I love it when I open my mailbox and find books! Started one and can‘t wait to finish so I can start the other!
Got 35 books today for $30.50. Love book sales and adding to my library!
“To not give a fuck about anything is still to give a fuck about something. The real question is, What are we choosing to give a fuck about?”
Truer words have never been said.
Decided to start tackling the 3rd installment of the Outlander series. Wish me luck. #outlander
Won this book in a #goodreads giveaway. Can‘t wait to dive into it! I only have like three other books I have to finish first!!
It‘s National “Read a Book Day”!!! What are you reading today??? 📚
Welp.. My kiddo spiked a fever so it‘s snuggles and reading all day. Happy Labor Day! #outlanderseries #outlander
What to read next???? On to book #23 of the year. How‘s your Goodreads challenge going? #goodreadschallenge
“I fought so hard to have Jacob mainstreamed at school - not just so that he could see the way other kids behaved but because other kids needed to see him, and to learn that different isn‘t synonymous with bad.”
Was walking downtown with the family and quickly glanced at the books on the cart outside of our local used book store. Conveniently scouted out this book which also happens to be our book club choice this month! $5 and didn‘t have to pay more or shipping! #winning
This book wasn‘t an option to choose from for a post but “I Can Share” was and that is also something we are working on. Sharing and Hitting. Charlie is in love with books as much as her momma is so I lucked out when I found this gem. Let‘s see if she learns something.
Kiddo is sleeping so now it‘s mommy-time. Hopping between three books right now. One on my Kindle, an Outlander book and this 👆🏼. Tonight is a House Rules kind of night.