This came today and I can't wait to find out how the cool kids do it. #timferriss
Today's affirmation. The informal tone (including the saucy language) is both endearing and annoying.
Hey all you educators out in LitsyLand, I wanted to share with you a positive message in these trying times. When I saw great teachers burning out, melting down, and leaving the profession, I knew I needed to do something so the same thing didn't happen to me. I started a blog called The Zen Teacher (www.thezenteacher.com.) and published this book. The book is aimed at teachers, but the techniques work for anyone. We all deserve peace. Dan
Full disclosure: I usually try to avoid sad books but I'm slipping this one in between all the other things I'm reading because I heard it was so inspiring and uplifting. So far, I would agree.
I have to teach this book soon, so I'm reading it ahead of my students. I like it more than I was expecting to. It is a compelling story with a strong mystery element. Krakauer has an accessible, but artful writing style. So far, so good.
I really enjoyed Shauna Niequist's book PRESENT OVER PERFECT and so I am now reading this book of essays "celebrating the extraordinary nature of every day life." If you like Brene Brown or Elizabeth Gilbert, this is right up your alley. ##selfcare #dontcareifitsgirlie
Hoping to glean some secrets from this book that will help me with my presentations. #thezenteacher
I recently published a quote by Anne Lamott saying it was life in a nutshell; This one does the very same thing, at least in terms of my life, from the book I'M YOUR MAN: THE LIFE OF LEONARD COHEN, which I finally finished. He has lead a fascinating life and one that I greatly relate to. He's one of those writers I owe a nod gratitude because if he hadn't done what he had done, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing.
The entirety of life in a nutshell by a spiritual writer who discusses faith, but with a refreshing irreverence and cleverness. #annelamott
I knocked this bad boy out in a day and a half while taking a break from the much longer Leonard Cohen biography. Its brevity and deceptive simplicity belie a power and depth that was very moving. Its middle section (Thanks) also inspired an upcoming blog post on my blog/website The Zen Teacher. Feel free to look for it in a week or so.
I taught this book for several years and now my daughter is reading it in her English class, and as we discuss it, I'm still moved by what I consider to be one of the most perfectly-structured books I've ever read. There is virtually no wasted motion in Steinbeck's style as he writes about itinerant ranch hands, George and Lennie.
I'm reading the bio of Leonard Cohen, who is one of my favorite writers, and since I write, I was inspired by the stories in the book to write a poem about him. I can't take credit for the details and the images because they were part of his story, but perhaps I can take some credit for the curation of them and for adding a few touches of my own. This is the third or fourth draft that shows my attempts at revision. #LeonardCohen
This description of Leonard Cohen's writing life in Hydra, an island of Greece, sounds sublime (whatever that means. . .). #poet #LeonardCohen
Another great quote from The War of Art by #Stephenpressfield: "Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some idea we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it."
This is the most concise, accurate description of true creativity that I've ever seen. #creativity #thewarofart
Just got this used on Amazon and can't wait to read about one of my favorite writers. #leonardcohen #favoritewriter
Just took a couple days to race through this one to cleanse my palate from the other two books I mentioned earlier. #alexcross #jamespatterson #pageturner
This series started in 1988 and I now have every edition. Can't wait to tear into this. And the beautiful thing is because it's poetry, you can read it bit by bit and savor it.
Now why'd you have to go and say that, Mr. Pressfield? 😐 Now I gotta do it.
I've been hearing about this book and thought I'd give it a whirl. Really just trying to get out of my own way when I write.
It's probably kind of M.E. Escher-y to post a book about reading on an app about reading, but I'm a high school teacher and my students just don't read and so I'm reading this because I want to learn how to make them better readers because reading is one of the most critical skills in the world. But of course all of you know that.