Been interested to read this memoir for a while... hopefully it lives up to my expectations.
Been interested to read this memoir for a while... hopefully it lives up to my expectations.
"There is a greater happiness to be attained: the happiness of enjoying myself to the fullest during the one life I have and accepting myself for who I am." This book is deeply moving and empowering! Lily Collins is so open and honest and raw, she speaks from her heart with a fierceness and empowerment. This is her, and she's not ashamed. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself either. A must read for any young woman learning to love herself.
I started yesterday, and haven't had a lot of time for reading this weekend, but boy is this good! Why have I put it off this long? Not a clue! But I'm hoping to devour it completely asap and have already recommended it to my brother, who I'm reminded of in each page :)
I devoured this book in a day! I just could not put it down, to the point that I forgot to eat Saturday because I was too busy reading it. Excited for the second book, and to see if my theories are correct!
Starting this beauty of a book today, so excited. And my mama has requested to find out if I think she'll enjoy it when I'm finished 😂
I finished this beauty of a book last night, and while I couldn't sleep, even with the light on, because I'm easily spooked, I considered in detail what I would write here... I heard a lot of reviews that this book wasn't as creepy as the first, and while there is a definite reduction in creepy moments, the parts you do get do not disappoint! A fantastic Halloween read and can't wait to read the third when it arrives!
I picked this up from the library, on an impulse because I kept seeing it floating around bookstagram... I am so glad I did!
This book is beautiful in its portrayal of such a tragic maritime disaster, one I wasn't even aware of until I picked up this book (Scottish history education system is obviously lacking). A must read with all the feeling in that ending!
"You remember your first love because they show to you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person, and why."
I love John Green's writing style!
As a suffer of anxiety, and mild OCD, I feel both conditions are painted in a very clear light, I can not fault him at all for the way he opens a concept many will never be able to quite grasp.
My god... this book... it made me smile so much my jaw hurt... Each page held its own laughter and tears... it was somewhat of an emotional rollercoaster, but told in the most beautiful way. Everyone should read this book!
It went a little slow in the middle for a bit, but overall this book was amazing! Loved the writing style and the chapters from different characters POV. That ending though! I need the next book... now!!!
A slow starter, but what an ending? Definitely reading the sequel when it's out!
The concept of this book was so unusual, the delivery really sweet... and that ending... I'm still trying to process it...
Omg! I love this book! The characters, the easy, light hearted reading! I never want it to end, but want to know what happens!!!
Budding reading this just now... only a quarter of the way in, but I'm falling in love with the writing style, and so many little quotes that have buried themselves into my mind already!
In the mood for a shadowhunter binge... #clockworkangel #theinfernaldevices #tid #cassandraclare
A fluffy fun read, a perfect little palette cleanser after binge reading a series #theunexpectedeberything #morganmatson
Some summer fun to brighten up this grey Scottish day... #theunexpectedeverything #morganmatson
The ending of this book gave me chills! It's a modern masterpiece! #thehateugive #thug #thuglife #angiethomas
Rekindling my love of the shadowhunter world and getting me ready for lord of shadows on the 23rd... amazing!!! #ladymidnight #cassandraclare #shadowhunters #tda
In preparation for the 23rd... #ladymidnight #cassandraclare #lordofshadows
This book... I'm just... wow! I laughed, I cried. My heart got ripped open, pieced back together, just to be ripped open again.... so many little twists and turns throughout... And that ending... if you liked the other books, just go read it now, but have some tissues handy! #acowar #acourtofwingsandruin #sarahjmaas #acotar #acomaf
The moment we've all been waiting for... let's do this!
So, this book... it gripped me so much in the beginning, and then the middle sort of dragged out a bit. But that ending... definitely need to read the next book to make a final decision, or just to find out what happens next... #thegraces #laureeve
Started The Graces by Laure Eve this evening.... I'm hooked! Why did I put this book off for so long? #thegraces #laureeve #chapterone
Finished this beauty today, I am entirely absorbed in Armani's world! How will I ever survive waiting for the third book to be released now??? #traitortothethrone #rebelofthesandstrilogy #alwynhamilton
Straight onto book two, Traitor to the Throne, which is my beautiful signed copy from Forbidden Planet! How I love signed books 😍 #traitortothethrone #alwynhamilton #signedbook
Amazing! Literally couldn't put this book down (hence why I read it in a day!) I just got so absorbed into Amani and the world she lives in. #rebelofthesands #alwynhamilton
This book was so slow at the start, which I understand, it had a lot to describe to get into the meat of the story, but yeah, once it had, it definitely picked up, with a nice twist at the end. I'm still interested to see how the story pans out in the second book, hopefully it keeps the pace of the last half of this one!
Started reading this yesterday. I've been putting it off for a while as I've seen mixed reviews... hopefully I enjoy it as much as I originally thought I would! #threedarkcrowns #kendareblake
Finished this beautiful book last night, and all I can say is: when is the second book released??? It was a bit of a slow starter, but the writing made me stick with it, and I'm so glad I did because I love this book! #strangethedreamer #lainitaylor #fairyloot
This book is just too pretty 😍 only 100 pages left to go... #strangethedreamer #lainitaylor #fairyloot
Finished this beauty, straight onto the raven king! #bluelilylilyblue #theravencycle #maggiestiefvater
As good as the first, maybe even better! Loving this series! #theravencycle #thedreamthieves #maggiestiefvater