Really impressed by the Author writing good story
I was going to give up around the beginning, then wanted to know what's gonna happen I had the feeling that someone read the book, took the idea of the Coronavirus which made me read to the end. loved this book so much it is The second best book I have read, it comes second after the last kingdom series. there is some exaggeration. I like the sequence and the tracking part of the Saracen.
Utred deserve nick name the conquer but i thought that Northambria will be united in this book but we have to wait till november to see what will happen in in War Lord book.
I thought that Utred will retired after he took back Bebbanburg but his fate seem that he will keep fighting untill he die untill he meet with Gisela in Valhala.
It‘s really a great expectation especially when you find out that the criminal you fed when you kid looking after you when you came to age and left a fortune for you, but I didn‘t expect the true Love story to end in this way.
awesome it was complicated plan to take the fort but it worked, I like the imagination of the author.
I‘ve never heard such a swear word,the way he slag people unbelievable.
I‘m impressed by thought soldiers who fought in WW2
it‘s good book when your read you know what had happened behind the scenes.
i was depressed because utred has died in the beginning of the book and I lost the will to read, then every thing changed and utred came back to raise my morale.
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
I‘ve enjoyed reading it. you wanna know what‘s next always.