Today 's book mail
Book Mail!!!! It's like Christmas!! Been waiting so long for this one!
Amazing book!! Loved it! This should be on everyone's list
This book is wonderful! Huge pick for me! You should read this book! Stay tuned for a full review from TwoGirlsandaBookObsession.com
Impulse book haul for the day! #JodiPicoult #ChevyStevens #LisaJackson #GreatDeal
Can't wait to start this one today so excited
More book mail!! Gotta love it! #ARC BOOKS #BOOKMAIL #SignedCopy #BookLove
Book mail makes me smile! It's like Christmas everyday! #afteranna #lisascottoline #macmillanpublishing @lisascottoline #ARCBOOK Release Day April 10, 2018!
TwoGirlsandaBookObsession.com is doing a book giveaway at the link below. The book is The forgotten girl by the talented David Bell
Wonderful suspensful psychological thriller. See link for full review.