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After Anna
After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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THRILLER - SUSPENSE - it‘s a good one!!

Anna, Anna, Anna...she finally has come home to her mother, but what should have been a joyous occasion after seventeen years turns into a nightmare.

Everything was PERFECT until Anna arrived.

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/46xd3fjf



After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Read in May-I liked the way the story was narrated from present to past- in a court room, Noah accused for murdered his stepdaughter (it‘s in the blurb) then you go one chapter to the past and one chapter to the present. Not a perfect crime or suspense novel because there were some obvious things that you will say, really? But the development of the story kept my attention all the time. I liked the audiobook too.


Gissy This book was a gift from a person but I lost the sticky note where I write the name. She wanted to say thank you after I volunteered for a swap. It was long time ago, if you remember this book thank you🥰

#MothersMonth another book from YouTuber @TheShadesOfOrange idea of what to read this month
GoodReads 52 books AroundTheYear prompt#22
May 2023 #BookSpinBingo (#21 free space)
(edited) 13mo
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Love Lisa Scottoline. This one is great. What a twisted story!

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I had a migraine for the better part of the day, but finally it eased and I was able to finish the last 80 pages of After Anna. I really enjoyed this book! I wasn‘t so sure how I felt about it but 3/4 of the way through there were some major twists that really amped up the excitement/intrigue.

This was also my #bookspin for December


wanderinglynn Hope you feel better. 💚 Migraines suck! 3y
TheDaysGoBy @wanderinglynn Thank you! They truly do. I‘m always looking for a solution that actually works to get rid of them 3y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! So sorry that you weren't feeling well - that's the worst 😕 3y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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This one has been in my TBR pile for awhile... time to get reading!

SilversReviews Oh my is it GOOD. ENJOY!! 4y
Miss_Gilmore @SilversReviews I love her books!! I am already hooked! 4y
SilversReviews @Miss_Gilmore It is a favorite. Enjoy. 4y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I discovered this author while searching for Mother/daughter memoirs for #Booked2020. I love the short memoirs and was anxious to read her fiction. ...I‘m glad this book had an epilogue because I i was frustrated by the twisted conclusion .

September #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
marleed @TheAromaofBooks I‘m 2 books away from a September blackout bingo! 4y
TheAromaofBooks That's fantastic!!!!! 4y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I absolutely adore Lisa Scottoline! 💙 Thrilled that I finally read this book. Maggie is reunited with her 17-year-old daughter she hasn‘t seen since she was an infant. Shortly thereafter, Maggie‘s husband, Noah, is charged with Anna‘s murder. It‘s a roller coaster of a ride as the story switches between the perspectives of Maggie and Noah. Excellent story! #MountTBR

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

Good read with a surprising twist. Honestly didn‘t see the direction it was taking.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Another great story by Lisa Scottoline. She never disappoint. Can't wait to read more of her books

bookaholic1 Big fan of Lisa Scottoline, myself 4y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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The main moral values highlight in this book is about love that can actually make you blind. Just because that person is your most beloved one, you can't simply do nothing about them. If they do something wrong, they deserved to be punished. You cannot trust them while the other person is hurting.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Definitely a pick, especially for fans of Lisa Scottoline!!

Due to postpartum psychosis, and an unforgiving ex-husband, Maggie had to let go of her baby, Anna, shortly after she was born.

Now, over ten years later, Anna is back, and wants to reunite with her mom! It is everything Maggie ever hopes for. But will things go as smoothly as she had hoped?

Loved the plot line, the twist, and the format the story was told in - before and after Anna.

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Current situation = pure bliss.

I‘m really enjoying After Anna so far, and definitely enjoying my snuggly kittens as I fight this cold and try to rest my missing voice!

I actually have a prediction for the ending, and am really curious if I‘m right!

wanderinglynn Too much fur cuteness! ❤️🐱 Enjoy the snuggled, and I hope you feel better soon! 5y
Scochrane26 😍😻😻 5y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Anna, Anna, Anna...she finally has come home to her mother, but what should have been a joyous occasion after seventeen years turns into a nightmare.

One of my FAVORITES by Lisa Scottoline.

REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/yy56xjhl


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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Definitely fast paced, the ending felt a little rushed and wrapped up a little too neatly. A really good read.

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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On trial for murder of his step daughter, the jury seems against Noah. All of his testimony about how evil she was only makes him look guilty. Interesting twists, but I didn‘t really like her method of telling the story.

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

Contrived. No character development. Characters are one dimensional. Void of description. Slow to start. Formulaic. Legal mumbo jumbo gets boring. I kind of saw the ending coming which seems unbelievable. Not my kind of book.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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This book.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

Didn‘t want to put the book down and enjoyed reading it. However, I did feel like the ending was a bit out of nowhere, and it felt a but unreal/manufactured solely for the purpose of added drama. That being said, I loved the way the narrators flipped back and forth with the perspectives of “Before Anna” and “After Anna” to add new information throughout.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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We‘re in the middle of an all-out winter blizzard. The entire city, actually, most of the state is shut-down. Roads are closed everywhere. The electricity went out for a few hours. Kinda scary when heat is desired.
Anyway, I told the family that all is good, because luckily, I stopped by Target yesterday & got some supplies: bottled water, cashews, tea AND two new books of suspense. Whoa! The looks they gave me. I don‘t understand. Come winter👇🏽

Nute ...let it snow...let the wind blow! We‘re good here!!! 5y
MicheleinPhilly That‘s me when we‘re expecting a big storm. Everyone is stocking up on milk, bread and eggs and I have a cart full of toilet paper, wine, and microwave popcorn. 5y
CaitZ Hope your electricity stays on and you can spend the storm reading 5y
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Nute @MicheleinPhilly I like your shopping list purchases better than mine.😅 5y
Nute @CaitZ It takes a minute to comprehend just what “no electricity” during a winter storm with freezing temperatures outside means. Thank goodness that I didn‘t have to think too long about the impending impact. Thanks for your kind wishes. I‘m still trying to turn it into a day of reading.🙂 5y
Leftcoastzen Hang in there! Hope the power stays on.Stay safe . 5y
NatalieR Stay warm and happy reading! ❄️📚 5y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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If you love Scottoline, you‘ll love this one too. I wish the end had been thread through from the beginning. At least a little. (She did that in Look Again too. The big reveal came out of nowhere and seemed dramatic for drama‘s sake.) I also didn‘t understand that the final lines were that she was more this now, he was more this now when those things didn‘t seem like issues at all. Good read overall. I finished in record time.

SilversReviews Oh my...this book was VERY good. 😊 5y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Scott online. ‘Nuff said. Like popcorn, formulaic, but always fun.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Not sure if I agree with how the book ended so quickly but it's a fast read. You'll want to keep flipping the pages to see who killed Anna. And I read all Lisa Scottoline since her books are usually Philly based 😊

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I was entertained. I need a little fluff after some of the more meaty books and this filled my need. It was a bit unbelievable at the end, but.... it‘s fiction. A fun read if you like a thriller/ suspense book.

Victoriahoperose I agree with you on the end, but it was definitely entertaining! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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As a speech language pathologist, this book gives a good intro to Childhood Apraxia of Speech. I just started this and will likely enjoy this audiobook. #lovespeech

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

I did not like this book. I felt like the characters were largely unlikeable and the dialogue was stiff and unnatural, but my biggest complaint would be my inability to suspend disbelief due to the wild inaccuracies relating to the courtroom and overall justice system. I did enjoy the big reveal about Anna near the end but then it was ruined by a rushed, nonsensical, and improbable ending. I think the premise was good but the execution was poor.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

This is a story about the complexity of a blended family. Lisa Scottoline writes in such a way that she grabs your attention and holds it. She deals with some difficult subject matters in this book and does it well. She is absolutely one of my favorite authors!I usually would give this book five stars and really wanted to but couldn‘t. The book goes back and forth in time with each chapter which made it a little difficult for me.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

I enjoyed this although it definitely seemed far-fetched by the end. I would happily read more by the author though.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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These great reads are my picks for others during the #BNBookHaul (50% off).

MrsGreen I want to get there this weekend!! 6y
Bookladylinda Great haul! I‘m going this afternoon! I‘m so excited!!!!! 📚📚📚📚 6y
LiteraryinLawrence I loved both The Word is Murder and The Perfect Mother! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Struggling to get through this one..... the mother is such a weak, annoying character to me 😣 Guuurlll... I want to just slap you 👋🏼

Ashley85 😂😂 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Suspenseful and thrilling story about a manipulative young woman. The book unfolds in an alternating fashion between the defendant‘s murder trial and the events that led up to it. The author does a good job maintaining clear story-telling despite the story jumping back and forth in time. Worth reading, but not gobsmackingly amazing.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

This seems great so far!

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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A half dozen errands to do and someone‘s lazy backside is in bed saying, “Nahhhh... just read and have coffee.” 📖☕️

#lazySunday #responsibilitiesareforsuckers

Tanisha_A Such Sundays are the best! 😀 6y
Slajaunie Love your mug! 6y
Sleepswithbooks @Slajaunie - Thank you! My best friend got it for me ❤️ 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I absolutely loved the beginning of thus novel. I would have given it 5 stars, but the ending felt a bit like it jumped the shark. Too many twists. I grew up in Montco, so I appreciated all the references. I recommend this to any thriller fans. This was my first book from this author, but I'm now hooked and want to try her others. #Netgalley #arc @BookBridget #philadelphia

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Not too far, but I did forget to hit my stopwatch sometimes. Hope to finish this book tonight.
Follow me IG and GR @Porcelain_Reviews

#summerlovinreadathon #telleverybookworm3 #24b4Monday

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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#24B4Monday @TheReadingMermaid Perfect timing. I have off tomorrow, and I will be alone house sitting 3 dogs and a cat.

BeansPage #24B4Monday glad to have you with us sweetheart 🤘🏻😄🤘🏻 6y
BookBridget 24 books in a weekend? How many have you read so far? 6y
crazyspine @BookBridget you read for 24 hours within 3 days. I still have 13 hours yet, so probably won't make it. 6y
BookBridget Oh, I get it 6y
BookBridget So basically it's like working one shift a day but your job is reading, how fin!! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I didn't hate this book but I didn't love it either. The court scenes felt very drawn out. Maggie drove me nuts.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I am seriously annoyed with some of these characters!
And at 4.5 hours in I feel like the story is moving very slowly.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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1. Rainbow Brite
3.Jem and the Holograms (this one was the hardest for me)
4. Ninja Turtles
5. Wuzzles
#fandomfriday @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻😎 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Listening to this on a gloomy morning.

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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3 Stars - This legal thriller is suspenseful and has a pretty good twist. This is the first book I have read by the author. As an attorney myself I could appreciate the trial questioning, but I found it unnecessarily drawn out for its purpose in this thriller. I figured out the twist very early on, but not all of the details that made it possible. I liked this one, but I didn‘t love it. (Link in comments to my full review) #jpbookreview

Jess7 Read my 3-star review of After Anna by Lisa Scottoline:
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2423965246 This is Book no. 42 in my 2018 Goodreads Challenge. #bookreview #review #goodreads #goodreadschallenge #goodreadschallenge2018
(edited) 6y
Hollie Cool picture! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

Noah and Maggie have a wonderful comfortable marriage, then Maggie‘s estranged daughter Anna comes into their lives. Within 20 days Anna is dead and Noah accused of the crime. I love Scottoline‘s writing. She has a way of keeping me interested and unfolding the mystery really well.

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Next up: #AfterAnna 📚 Have any of you read this one?

Blurb: The Alderman family (Noah, his son, and his new wife Maggie) are happy until Maggie‘s daughter, Anna, shows up. Then Anna is murdered and Noah is accused and tried for this heinous crime...In the wake of this tragedy, new information drives Maggie to search for the truth, leading her to discover something darker than she could have ever imagined.” #mother - #readingresolutions

Jess7 2 Quotes from first page have me intrigued :-) | “Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.” -Benjamin Franklin | “You can‘t believe people when they look you in your eyes. You gotta look behind them. See what they‘re standing in front of. What they‘re hiding.” Sam Shepard | (edited) 6y
Linda906 I really liked this one! 6y
zzz My coworker loved it. I still have 6 more weeks on a wait list 😩 6y
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tammysue I loved it! 6y
Betty Marked it so-so here 6y
JoScho 🙋🏼‍♀️ I liked it. 6y
SilversReviews I read it....SO GOOD!! ENJOY!! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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How fun- Catching up!

After Anna
Megan Abbott
American Idol
Apple Pie

JoScho All awesome answers! Thanks for playing and catching up 😊❤️ 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Simply AMAZING! After Anna is a book I won‘t be able to stop thinking about- one I won‘t be able to help but recommend. Lisa Scottoline has a produced a jaw dropping thriller guaranteed to shock, horrify, and delight you. Just wow!



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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

I ended up feeling like this audiobook didn‘t quite live up to it‘s potential. Even though the book is divided up into two primary POV‘s - that of Anna‘s mother, Maggie, before Anna‘s murder and that of Maggie‘s husband, Noah, after the murder - I had the hardest time really caring about any of the characters or what actually happened to Anna...they just weren‘t that well developed to me. However the twist in the last 1/3 was interesting. 🌟🌟🌟

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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I really like Lisa Scottoline‘s style. She is sharp and compelling. She really knows how to grab your interest from the first sentence and keep it throughout the entire book. This was a murder mystery and so much more. I found myself listening to this any chance I could get to find out what happened. The ending was a little off for me as I felt like it almost didn‘t fit with the rest of the books, but I still really enjoyed this!

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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline

This was an oddly entrancing story about a mother who reconnects with her daughter she lost physical custody of when she was just an infant. The storyline goes back and forth between the spouses and their points of view. The twist in the story will thrill you!

After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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Wowsa!! What a twisted intense thriller! Giving this a whopping 4.5 ☆
My first experience with this author and won‘t be my last! It‘s amazing - recommend!

JoScho Yeah it was a good one 😊 6y
tammysue @JoScho I read your review.. knew I had to pick this one up. 😁 #blameitonlitsy 6y
JoScho So glad you enjoyed it! 6y
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Ashley85 I‘ve read two so far by her and I enjoyed both of them. 👍🏾 6y
tammysue @Ashley85 That‘s great so what book would you suggest next for me? 6y
tammysue @Ashley85 It sounds pretty good! Thanks! 6y
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After Anna | Lisa Scottoline
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1. Little black ants 🐜 they‘re back! 😡
2. I sat out Terro
3. Wedding day + babies births ✨
4. After Anna, my 1st book by this author and loving it! He did it right?!? 80 pages to go..

Chellebearss Ugh, ants are as bad as fruit flies. 6y
tammysue @Chellebearss Oh yes just as bad. We used to get fruit flies in our break room at work constantly, hard to get rid of. 6y
tracey38 Ugh, we started to get little ants, too. Hate those little buggers. 6y
tammysue @tracey38 I usually see them before now. Thought I‘d escaped them this year lol. 6y
tracey38 I saw them a few weeks ago, then got rid of them now am starting to find a couple here and there... 6y
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