I‘ve just read the first 11 pages and I‘m digging the writing and really loving the sentient AI! 😃✌️
I‘ve just read the first 11 pages and I‘m digging the writing and really loving the sentient AI! 😃✌️
I‘m just past the halfway point with this book, but I love it more and more with each page I turn. I love the protagonist, love the androids, love this author! Starts off full of science then the fiction and depth of characters take over now I‘m trapped and don‘t want to leave the space the author created for me😃
“We are drawn to this profession because we are damaged - we study psychology to heal ourselves. Whether we are prepared to admit this or not is another question”
“Hetty sat there sipping her tea unable to find the right words to keep the calm. Anger, after all, was an endless resource. Forgiveness was not”
Pg 110
‘Grandfather‘s mantra was “A girl uneducated is an oppressed wife in the making.”‘
“So few people tell you there are other choices. That you can change the story. That we‘re not a fixed product of our past. That there‘s a way to reclaim the many frightened, exiled parts of our selves” ✌️💪✌️
“The patients are neither insane nor lunatics. Rather, they are long-standing sufferers of trauma.”
This book had me crying real tears at the end...just wow...and only took me two days to race through! I‘m close to 60 and my eyes always get too tired to read like I did when I was young, but this book grabbed me and I ran with it! Tears of grief or joy? Find out for yourself!
‘It seemed murdering people who differed from the masses was a tale as old as time.‘
“... having now left only her beautiful, textured brown skin covering her still-fierce bones.”
This is what my local library has me reading for book club...three me right out of my comfort zone and I‘m GLAD! Riveting and well written
This book is about a relatable woman dealing openly with her self made pitfalls and complications...I like her...she brings the reader through her ups and downs, her travels between her two homelands (the Middle-east and US), her loves (real and imagined) her gorgeous, hard to handle mother, rehab, and finally, her direction moves towards her normalcy. This book is different and cool.
“Yet that is the realm, the realm of my mother, in which I consistently forget how to survive”
“The notion that everyone will eventually cease to exist brings me great comfort and temporary courage. Often I try to visualize the coming apocalypse: barren tree branches, scrap metal, tumbleweed. As the images appear in my head, a wave begins to curl in my stomach. Together they propel me forward, and I act.
Right then, it wasn‘t working.”
Omg I love this writer!
“Anything outside yourself, this you can see and apply your logic to it,” she said. “But it‘s a human trait that when we encounter personal problems, those things most deeply personal are the most difficult to bring out for our logic to scan. We tend to flounder around, blaming everything but the deep-seated thing that‘s really chewing on us.”
“So I quoted the First Law of Mentat at her: ‘A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.‘”
I just started reading this, but I‘m liking it. I like reading books where the narrator just talks, and I listen, and I travel and I learn.
REALLY great book...I‘m more than halfway done in one sitting...all the individuals‘ stories converging at the Big Oakland Powow...intense, real, a clear lens into the lives of the people Mr. Orange brings to us
REALLY looking forward to this book, I‘ll definitely let you know what I think! I loved Eragon so I‘ve got high hopes!!
Louise Penny had me look up the Garden of Cosmic Speculation in Dumfries, Scotland. I LOVE when an author intrigues me to research. By the way, Louise Penny is my go to cozy author. Ok
“...the Scandinavians were situated at the centre of many realms of existence-far beyond the familiar binaries of ‘good‘ and ‘bad‘ afterlives found in many religions. In the Viking mind, these worlds were all other places for other inhabitants, but ordered and connected in a manner that made them accessible if you knew the right paths to take.” I know I‘m going to love this substantial book!
This is an EXCELLENT book by an artistic writer...we experience the world of US plantation slavery through the eyes of a young midwife/healer. We feel her decisions, her focus, and the ever present hardships she sees and is a part of in pre and post civil war. This is an immersive book, and though I worried and stressed along with the characters I witnessed the beauty of hope peeking through the realities.
This book deserves to be a bestseller....the author, Linden Lewis, makes use of first person POV expertly between 3 protagonists. Any LGBT romantic situations are real and not contrived, the protagonists kept me guessing but didn‘t let me, the reader, down. The action is beautifully done, the characters deserving admiration without obviously working for it. Let this author carry you along on an adventure!
‘Hundreds of lives are lost because no one bothered to wonder whether the people who served us actually hated us for our treatment of them, because we were told they enjoyed servitude and we believed it‘. (Re: Asters)
Do you have a special spot for your library books?
Just started this book and I‘m already drawn in. The voice is more mature than recent sci fi/fantasy books I‘ve read, and the characters are already dealing with their society‘s norms and expectations in their lives amongst the stars.
Gamache looked at the young man. The minister. Who cares so much for hurt souls. He was a good listener, Gamache realized. It was a rare quality, a precious quality.