What is even going on? This series is amazing. I still don‘t know whether it‘s a supernatural force or a human monster taking these people. All I know is I can not put this book down.
What is even going on? This series is amazing. I still don‘t know whether it‘s a supernatural force or a human monster taking these people. All I know is I can not put this book down.
Fellow Littens! I need your help! I am dying to see this movie, and we need about 33 more people to reserve tickets to see this for a fan viewing on Wednesday April 10th in Franklin, TN. If you loved this book, go to Gathr.com and reserve your tickets for the showing at the AMC in Franklin!
I grew up listening to hair metal in the 80‘s. My Mom blasted Dr. Feelgood on the car ride to elementary school every single day. This book reads as a manual for how to mess up your life very quickly. I loved every word of it. Every story rings true and not embellished in anyway. If you are a rock music fan, this is a must read.
I LOVED this book. I‘m a confessed serial killer/true crime enthusiast, and this is one of the best retellings of the Lizzie Borden story I have ever read. It reads like a cross between a history book and a trashy magazine like the National Enquirer, and that‘s what makes it stand apart from other tellings of the Borden case. It‘s a must read!
Who doesn‘t love a real ghost story? What I loved about this book is that the stories were real. They weren‘t “overdone” or made to seem extra scary or spooky. They were just personal experiences (positive and negative).
Harold Schechter is one of my favorite true crime authors, and this book did not disappoint. I find myself feeling sorry for Ed Gein to an extent. He was a deeply troubled individual who committed heinous acts, but also had a deep, unhealthy and unnatural obsession with his mother. Human nature and behavior is a fascinating thing!
I loved this book, couldn‘t put it down, finished in a night and half a day loved this book. At times, I could 100% identify with Will. To anyone who hasn‘t/isn‘t/wasn‘t comfortable in your own skin, this book will feel a little too real sometimes, but that‘s not a bad thing. It doesn‘t sugar coat anything about being overweight. Also, it made me love Dolly even more!
I finally made it back home to open my Hocus Pocus gift swap package, and WOW. I love everything about these items. I could not have received more amazing gifts, these are all so me! The books are about my favorite subject (ghosts!) and I received a book by Ed and Lorraine Warren that I have wanted for a long time. Thank you so much @Jess_Franzino these are all perfect! #HocusPocusSwap @rather_be_reading
I can‘t believe I forgot to take a picture of the box before I shipped! @Jess_Franzino you should be getting your package today! @rather_be_reading #HocusPocusSwap
There is nothing more fascinating than the drama and scandal of another person, and sadly their ultimate demise. This book had me intrigued and I couldn‘t put it down.
I had really high hopes for this one. I did. While I enjoyed it and the subject matter was fascinating, I just felt like this was more of a book geared toward Michelle‘s search for the Golden State Killer/EAR more than a book ABOUT the actual GSK, but maybe that was the point? Either way, I ended up DNF it.
Thank you so much @collegecatlady for all my goodies! I can‘t wait to dive into these books! She included a book from an author where she is from as well, which is so cool! Thank you so much again! #itstrulycriminalswap @JenlovesJT47
I‘m not sure whether I liked this book or not honestly. It definitely kept my interest and I couldn‘t put it down. It‘s a tale of what I can only describe as a weird codependency bordering on incestuous relationship between Jack and Josie, 2 siblings left to their own accord while their father works at a college out of town, and the after effects of leaving their home. After I finished this book, I just felt wrong for days. Read at your own risk.
I‘ve read this book so many times the cover is coming off. This is one of the most interesting reads ever. My fascination with Serial Killers started with my Mom and her influences on my reading preferences. She allowed me to read a copy of Jeffrey Dahmer‘s court documents at a young age as she found human behavior fascinating, which morphed into me becoming a Psychology Major in Undergad and Grad School. I can‘t recommend this book enough!
While I love this series, and I know this was just a Novella, I was left feeling empty after reading this. I just don‘t think it added anything to anyone‘s story lines (expect further validating my dislike for Nesta). It felt like needless filler to sell a book honestly.
How lucky did I get!? I‘ve wanted all of these books for so long, and they even gave me these cute hand made ducks! Thank you so much @Alfoster @JoeStalksBeck #easterbookswap
This is one of my favorite books. I will be honest it took me a little while to get into it, the beginning felt a little Hunger Games to me at first, but once I got past the first chapter I was hooked.
I can‘t say enough great things about his book. It‘s filled with adventure, love and suspense! Monty is such a relatable character, and the ending was just perfect.
This book completely exceeded my expectations. It‘s filled with enough suspense, romance and paranormal activity that I could not put it down.