“Gross me out”
“Alice imagined a library must be a quiet garden of books, where stories grew like flowers.”
It was a fun trashy read, a little predictable but a fun book overall
I had such a fun time reading this book, it was thoroughly enjoyable
This is my break in between years
I LOVED THIS BOOK I‘ve read so many lackluster books lately and this one was so fun to read. I read it in one sitting and had so much fun. The story was engaging and unpredictable and I loved it.
I enjoyed this book. I‘m not typically a huge fan of historical fiction but overall it was a fine read.
I read this book and it was very informative. Definitely not my favorite but I feel like I have a firmer grasp on the concept of the evolution of globalization.
These were such fascinating reads! Lucille Fletcher deserves the title of the First Lady of horror. Her suspense work is lovely and she‘s an underrated playwright
I was in this show and it was beautiful, I think it‘s a better take than the traditional movie
This book was required for class but it was very insightful.
Super cute! Definitely something to read if you like heartstopper, but I loved getting an inside look to the authors creative process.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was a super fun read that still felt enjoyable despite the fact I‘m out of high school
This was such a fun read! I love these books they always get me out of a reading rut.
This book was incredibly thought provoking and well written, as a political science major I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. I believe everyone should read this book for an excellent perspective on the globalized world.
This play was very impactful, I believe it‘s a must read. It‘s short but powerful
“I Don‘t know… they probably all just think I‘m this… gay nerd…” “Well, you are kind of a gay nerd”
I love scooby doo so this book disappointed me. I felt like he wrote about women in a kinda icky way, I liked the mystery and some of the one liners but the whole Andy and Kerri dynamic felt forced.
“Mate, I don‘t think being gay makes you bad at sports”
“Cats are forever licking themselves. I don‘t know why. More than dogs. It must be something in their brains. Aye.”
Not my favorite play I‘ve read, i feel like the structure and language wasn‘t my favorite.
Personally I feel like there‘s better books out there tbh, this book was not my cup of tea and my professor did not teach it well.
It was a helpful book to read with a bit of humor, I just didn‘t love having to read this for class
I also had to read this for class and I really enjoyed it. It‘s tragic but there‘s an element of whimsy despite the serious topics. My presentation on this slayed
This is a book I had to read for class and personally I think there are better works out there, I‘m more of a midsummer nights dream girlie.
“No you can't Imagine The things in my head. You don't make assumptions about me, mister; I won't make them about you.”
I really enjoyed this play, it‘s an absolute shit show from top to bottom and I love it
This play was one of my favorites that I‘ve read for class, I thoroughly enjoyed it despite the heavy and sad content.
“You sound like a midcentury American minimalist, trying to obliterate the ego.”
“Artists who do not go forward go backward.”
Jazz music has a sophisticated use of rhythm, and a jazz dancer should in some way draw from this deep well.”
This is the best book I‘ve ever read. This is my Bible. Miss Piggy is the voice of a generation. Her writing will be what historians look back on and use to see what our society is like. Miss Piggy is so much better than any other author. Name an author and I guarantee Miss Piggy is better.
I finally finished the lord of the rings trilogy. I enjoyed reading this book, it took me a while to get through this book just due to my busy schedule but I‘m looking forward to continuing my reading journey for the rest of the year.
I really enjoyed this book, the concept seemed very original and creative and I thought the story was very well thought out and ties together nicely for a satisfying end.
This book was a fun read. I‘ve really enjoyed reading this series for the first time.
I really enjoyed this book, I love old slasher movies and this book had plenty of action and twists and was a fun read
“Don‘t adventures ever have an end? I suppose not. Someone else always has to carry on the story.”
This is my reset post so I can count how many books I read each year easier #slay
“clearly war and terror are intimately related.”
This book was hard for me to get through. I started the audiobook version of this made it more bearable. I just am not a fan of Tolkien‘s writing style.
This was a good book, I had to read it for my musical theatre history class but I enjoyed the beginning and end that focused on how the American musical has evolved and where it‘s going
This was such a fun read! I‘ve always been a Disney fan and Belle has been my favorite princess since I can remember and I loved getting to read this fun novel. Donnelly definitely does justice to these beloved characters. I really loved the aspect of love and death being rival sisters it added a fun element.
This is such a fun read! as a musical theatre fan I loved getting to read the script and find all the small stage direction moments that help make this such a good piece of theatre. Also Penny is a dream role of mine that I hope one day I can portray.