This was just ok, nothing special. The plot kept me interested enough, but the relationship development between Emerson and Shaw was weak and way too fast given her issues. So in my opinion, meh.
This was just ok, nothing special. The plot kept me interested enough, but the relationship development between Emerson and Shaw was weak and way too fast given her issues. So in my opinion, meh.
So so so freaking solid. The best romance I've read in a long time... And I read A LOT. Slow burn. Tension. Soccer. Humor. I couldn't put it down. I legit tried to read while chopping onions. Must read more by Mariana Zapata asap!
This is really cute so far! Looking for more adult recs, but not into erotica-- hook me up!
I love this cover and I'm definitely intrigued by the premise! For whatever reason I rarely read books written by male authors! That makes this extra exciting!🙌🏻🙌🏻
Starting this beauty!! (that is if i can tear my eyes away from the gorgeous cover! 😍
This is light and sweet, but exactly what I'm in the mood for after a couple of heavier NA titles. 🙃
This is light and sweet, but exactly what I'm in the mood for after a couple of heavier NA titles. 🙃
LOL to the honesty. Read this is one sitting. Some good info but she does come off as a bit of a know it all. it kinda reminds me of an embellished fb post-- putting off an image that is probably 60% accurate. No one has life so balanced, esp at 29!
I blew through it bc it was like staring at a wreck on the side of the road. The characters are total losers. Their actions & reasons for them are stupid & irrational. Yet I read book 2, got just as pissed & am curious how book 3 will go. *Facepalm*
This came in the mail yesterday- read the synopsis... fantasy/romance/shakespeare inspired. Like the MC, I took some shakespeare courses , as well as drama in HS & college. I have a feeling I'm going to love it!!
Can I have the last 2 days of reading time back, please? Nothing was well developed here.. not the characters, not the bipolar aspect, nothing. Light and really didn't dig into me emotionally at all. Forced myself to skim the last 50 pages.
Can we talk about how excited I am for something new from Wendy Higgins!!! I'm so excited to read this!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 Best part? I forgot I preordered it! Awesome mail surprise!
Ughh.. was liking this one early on, but I get so turned off when authors write gay guys with the mindset of someone from the 1980s- not all gay guys like fashion, hair, makeup, and call everyone honey. 🙄 Starbucks swords = awesome bookmarks!!
Random grab at Target this morning. Have u read it??
This book was killer! Our emotions can lead us into making some catastrophic decisions! Ones that are completely reckless and selfish- ones that can't be undone. So well written- brutally raw! So glad I finally read it! Love Katie Cotugno!!
Finally reading this! After hearing endless mixed reviews, I kept hesitating! I'm super excited!!
Another win for the Hundred Oaks series! Mistakes come with consequences, but they do not define you, and often open up new doors and opportunities you'd never expect. Looooved Ezra AND his love for cinnamon donut holes. 😉
Pleasantly surprised- good amount of drama w/ a nice twist. Really liked Drew & Fable together! 2 ppl from opposite worlds w/ equally troubling upbringings fall in love. Not a new fave but def a solid NA! Liked it enough that I already bought book 2!